[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

Definitely against this-- I now have to go and replace HUNDREDS of sound effects in my game.

And only two weeks to do it?


If I’m reading this correctly, is Roblox planning to add sound effects to their audio library in the future? Music is great, but finding good and free sound effects in the Library is one of the most difficult parts of game development to me.

While I support this privacy change, I’m worried that it will greatly impact my existing experiences since I use a lot of audio not uploaded by myself.

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i have a 2000 limit no premium no devex


I think it’s interesting that this is meant to “empower” creators as if audio wasn’t already private by default. What this update could’ve done instead of the nuclear option, was to disable the usage of privated audios in experiences where the audio wasn’t uploaded by the developer. Those who made their audio public had gone out of their way to navigate to the configuration page and allowed for copying. If any creator felt as if they wanted to manage their creative work better, I think they’re already in pretty good hands since Roblox removed the ability to browse unlisted audios a few years ago.

Also I feel the need to stress the following:
Please, for the love of god, rework the audio sorting. Add categories of sound for music and sound effects, or some other way to distinguish between music and sound effects. My solution is to use the sound length filter, but even then it’s inconsistent and music is still listed among sound effects.


I’m a developer of a game with a very large amount of audios to replace. Thankfully, most of these audios were uploaded by only a few sources, including some developers of the game who uploaded their audios to their own accounts.

To take action on this without re-uploading every audio, every one of these users would need to manually, one at a time, set each audio to public. This would be a massive inconvenience, since each of us have uploaded hundreds of sounds.

Is there any feature planned in the near future that would allow us to select multiple audios and make them public all at once? This would greatly improve the speed at which our game can respond to these changes.

A Step-by-Step Tutorial For Roblox On How To Make An Update Like This, Only It Makes Sense.

  1. Don’t automatically private audio uploaded before March 22nd.
    This one is a no-brainer, audio privating should be opt in. This way any developers that want their audio private can make it private (there can even be a bulk-private option) That way all the other developers and millions of rogue audio assets that are used in countless games won’t immediately break. Force-privating assets does more damage than good by a few thousand fold. This massive problem could have easily been avoided if a little bit of logic was used.

  2. Allow Users to upload additional audio for Robux after their budget has been used up. Limiting upload for free is often a lot worse for bigger developers than being able to upload unlimited audio for money.

  3. Make a much more defined system for giving out budget. Either give everyone the same budget or (the better option) make a defined chart of milestones/conditions players need to meet to get a higher budget. Right now I can only upload 10 audios per month while some people on this thread can upload 2000/per month. What does Roblox expect I make with 10 audio uploads per month?


Okay, this sounds good at first glance, but I have a feeling this is going to go over TERRIBLY.

  1. Everyone gets to upload audios now, awesome for devs who can’t afford it! But this also opens up uploading to players with bad intentions!! Infinite attempts to bypass an audio, just by making a new account…? Can’t wait to hear a whole bunch of swear words everywhere I go. I mean, this might not happen, but… this seems really likely to happen.

That’s not even my main complaint, though. The big thing is this second point…

Every single audio on the Roblox catalog – that’s 16 whole years worth of audio – is going to be unusable if it’s longer than six seconds…?

Um??? Is it just me, or does that feel like an idea that was mulled over for a mere few seconds and then approved? That’s horrible. Like, I cannot be any more displeased with this, there is no way you can redeem this concept and tell me it’s okay.

Think about it. A creator of an audio had it open to everyone, on purpose, and now it’s inactive.
Best case scenario, they’ll come back after hearing about the news, open it back up, and go on with their day.
Worst case scenario, the uploader never comes back, whether it’s because they quit Roblox, or because of other external reasons :skull:. Every game that used that audio is now left with silence, and nobody can do anything about it.

Not to mention the fact that it’s not even just the legacy games that’d be affected by this. Oh, no no no, this has the potential to affect every single game on Roblox, whether it’s a front page blockbuster or a kid’s passion project. I know for a fact that my own games will probably end up being a bunch of silence from here on out. This update would likely be much better received if the new restrictions only applied to audios uploaded after the free uploading rollout.

To the Roblox team, please rethink this entire update. It’s good in concept, but everyone and their dog knows that the reality won’t work quite as well. We can probably live without free audio for a little while longer. We’ve been living without it. Revise the caveats, make it less intrusive, and keep being a platform that strives for compatibility.


Great resource! Thanks for the quick tutorial as well, I’ll make sure to use it.

However… if you can just reupload the audio (for completely free by the way) then what’s the point of making private audios?


Would be a good change if existing audio wouldn’t get privated.
Creators expected their audio to be avalaible to anyone before today so it doesn’t make a lot of sense to change that, it will just cause problems.
New audio should be privated by default, that makes sense, but should be unlisted until the creator choses to make it public, that shouldn’t be reversible to prevent breaking games. (I don’t know how private/public audio will work)


Very good question, and one that I will never understand the answer too. It is a question that I too am asking.


You say that like they’ve ever cared about this issue whatsoever.


so, to me, this update has a few pros and a lotta cons.


  • free audio, is accessable to every user
  • audio by default when uploaded is private


  • ALL PUBLIC AUDIO OVER 6 SECONDS set to private automatically
  • forces user to 10 audio/month if they are not able or comfortable with providing ID

i am 19 and i do not have a drivers license. i will not have one for a foreseeable future. so, when i make games for fun and see that audio uploads are limited to 10 if i can’t somehow get a drivers license, it really upsets me. on one hand, you make audio accessible to more people (good!). on the other hand, you also make it incredibly inaccessible (bad!).
please change this.


Just confirming, we can choose to have it public, making it so people can use it in game?


please stop breaking roblox


Letting us upload audio for free is nice, but it’s not worth it if I have to make all my audio public again, and not be able to use any audio by any other person, since they let people use it. This is also probably going to raise a lot of new bypassed audio, because it’s free to do that now.


This is unfortunately working as intended. The sounds need to be uploaded under the group (or in the Asset Manager where they’ll be uploaded under the group for a group game) to be used in a group game, currently they’re uploaded under your personal account.

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I personally think that this whole privacy update is un-needed. The unlimited amount to upload is pretty nice but this is a HUGE INCONVIENENCE for game developers. Thousands of developers rely on other audios not owned by ROBLOX in their games.

private audios wouldnt be indexed by search afaik, this works for audios uploaded before they go private. it might still work if u have the ids on hand, but without an id its nearly impossible to find a private audio

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No offense, but this update is really bad in my opoinion. Yes it’s nice to be able to upload audio assets for free, However this makes all my games now trash.

Also is it possible to make your audio assets not private? (Sorry if its in there I am not the best at reading digitaly)

Cheers, virtual_smith : )

Amazing, but could we also make a way to license or let other dev teams use our audio. Maybe you could put place ids where its allowed or something.

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What a completely abhorrent and awful decision. I don’t really even need to explain why to make my point. Massively disappointed :-1::-1::-1: