[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

I like this change but comes at a severe cost:

Long audios that aren’t uploaded by roblox or the creator(s) of the game will not load in which affect ALOT of games

So here is my solution:

  • All audios that are already uploaded can stay public
  • An option to make all new uploaded audio become private with the uploader’s choice (default option would be either)

I love that upload fees are gone it saves me so much robux. I’m personally not a fan of automaticity making all audios over 6 seconds private though. It messes up so many games and if they use a large amount of music or sound effects it could be a real pain to swap them all out. Maybe instead of automatically making them private leave them public for everyone to use unless the creator makes it private themselves instead of the other way around.

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Rest in peace this and the other classic Roblox songs. Defining early Roblox and granting us the ability to think back fond memories when heard. You all will be missed.

[Better Off Alone Glejs Remix]


It is, in a sorta way I guess.

Except this time I don’t think ROBLOX will listen.


yep, here’s a list of sound effects I’m losing as well!

  • whistle
  • windows startup
  • a buzzing fluorescent light
  • toilet flush
  • waterfall
  • sci-fi engine
  • breathing
  • wind

and more…!
hate it here.


This may become a problem for someone like me, who actually relies on audio being shareable.
For example, I have a huge Napoleonic community following, and some of my assets that I actively share with other players include music soundtracks. Fife and drum soundtracks that I share with other players (and are longer than six seconds) to use in their games will now become private-locked.
Either I’m missing something on the original post or there is no way around this, but is there going to be a way to allow audio longer than six seconds to be shareable with other players?


With all due respect, I am completely exhausted at this point. I don’t really have the strength to go into full detail on this. I very much appreciate the effort demonstrated by the Roblox team to attempt to overhaul the platform, but this is honestly… man. I usually try to be calm and collected with these sorts of changes and go into comprehensive detail on my concerns with it, but I’m just frustrated at this point. This will seem a little unnecessarily angry, but I promise there’s reason beneath my incessant ranting.

I am so immensely exhausted of being expected to overhaul and look over every single game I own because of a completely random Roblox update that completely breaks or messes with huge aspects of my games. Why does the Roblox team think this is okay? Audios have been a staple of the entire platform for years and years and having to upload everything by myself just makes working on the platform infinitely harder, and this is disregarding having to go through every single game I own and fix them individually… as usual. It genuinely feels like Roblox has been fighting me at every turn, examples being both the materials and new animation engines update both expecting me to go back through every single game I have made in my ten years on the platform and compensate for the update.

No other game development platform has to go through this. Why should I dedicate my efforts to Roblox if everything I make can be destroyed like this if the next day Roblox decides to once again attempt to roll out changes like this?

What about legacy games with inactive developers? What about legacy audio with inactive uploaders?What about those who aren’t able to upload audios themselves? In all honesty, 99.9% of the Roblox licensed catalog is absolutely terrible, low quality audio that doesn’t suit my needs in the slightest. What about those such as myself who’ve uploaded hundreds of audios in the past? Will I genuinely need to unprivate every single one of them individually? Why? Who is this for? Who asked for this? What was the need for this? The copyright system was working completely fine. Uploaders already had the ability to prevent their audios from being used if necessary.

These are all questions I’ve had a million times with the last few recent updates requiring us to completely overhaul our entire games for the sake of one random, unnecessary change spanning the entire platform.


This is one of the worst ideas for a tool I have ever seen. The fact that all free assets won’t exist anymore is a big big problem. Privacy could be solved (and already is) with both the copyright detection system and an option to make your audios public

Anyone who is saying that this is an excellent change should consider that a lot of big games use free sounds and rely on it. This is both an awful and ignorantly done change. I really hope this gets reconsidered


What is the point of this? I can understand the privacy concerns but I don’t think they realize that this will affect tons of games on the website. This just really seems unnecessary.

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The Audio Discovery plugin is GREAT! It was almost impossible for developers using the toolbox to tell if they were infringing copyright in any way, this plugin and upcoming changes will make everything a lot easier.

I think this update is ok, it helps and hurts.

The biggest con with this is the fact that you can only upload 10 audios a month. Considering you might have tons of small audio effects, this limit is very harsh. Now, you might say “Oh, users over 13 can just verify and get a bigger limit!”. The reality of this is that 90% of people 13-15 don’t have anything to verify themselves with. They don’t have any drivers license, state ID, (most likely) a accepted school ID, ETC. Even when your 16+, it’s exremely annoying for Roblox to be pushing hard for ID verification.

"Rant" about ID verification

I don’t understand why the limit is 10x larger for verified users; All it does is confirm that at one point a human was on that account and verified their account. You can still upload TOS breaking audios while being verified.

I think that there at least should be the ability to pay a Robux fee after using up your free uploads, similar to the badge update.

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I get 2000 a month probably because I’m ID verified it isn’t very hard.


Quick question. If I have audio uploaded to my profile, and try to use it in a game that was made by a group that I own, will it still work?

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I think everyone is exhausted here. Honestly, it might just be better to quit if this update isn’t totally reverted. It’s that bad. I feel so bad for everyone having to deal with it.


This will COMPLETELY destroy all of my projects and everything else because there are a bunch of sounds that were used, and they were public.

This is going to end up as a disaster for my games and this must be addressed.

I have counted about 361 audios and am going to be straight about this:

  1. Almost everyone downloads sounds from the marketplace and usually everyone is fine with it.

  2. This is going to probably make me, and a lot of other people quit.

Please consider reading this Roblox and know what might happen if this actually is not going to be cancelled.

Screenshot below.


Exactly. If this doesn’t work like badges, where you may pay for more, this will be absolutely terrible.

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Is it possible to check if an audio is public or private through code? If so, how? For example, if I ask the user to input a sound ID, how can I check if this audio is private or not? Note: I am looking for a reliable way rather than just checking the error message as this could be exploited.

I’m not verified and my limit is 2000 per month. I honestly don’t know why.


Roblox has been giving us juicy updates lately for quality of life for developers with low budget capacity, it was just badges but now audio is also free with constriction? this is like he level of minecraft caves and cliffs update, everyone’s been waiting for, though im sure the abusers have as well.