[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

I’m emotionally charged over this.

I’m having a hard time even processing this. It’s too late, I’m exhausted, current world events have me at my lowest, I just can’t. Like, I can’t imagine Roblox without its staple audio toolbox. 15 years of audio, effectively deleted over a (engineering-wise) nonsensical, fundamentally flawed change. The audio library meant so much to me.

Yeah, it makes sense that experiences shouldn’t be able to use privated assets, I’m all for that part. But RETROACTIVELY applying this change to all uploaded audio, making them private and unrecoverable (even if the account is inactive/banned)?

Like…I…just…—what? Why!?


Whose idea was this!?

I’d write more about this but I just can’t. Everything’s already been said a dozen times. I’ve reached my max likes for the day. I cannot reasonably express my utter hatred towards this update.

This is the tipping point for me. You’ve disappointed me one last time. This is a catastrophically bad move, and this happens in two weeks! If this gets greenlighted, I will probably devex whatever I have and ditch Roblox. This just isn’t worth the heartache anymore.

I completely and wholeheartedly beg that someone in this mess of a corporation still reads community feedback. We need a miracle right now.


I have been on Roblox for 14 years of my life and this is the one year where it really feels like a downward spiral. I know, I know. When you have nothing good to say then don’t say it, but this is an exception for me. This is an absolutely heinous decision and extremely inconsiderate to developers. You just announce this on a whim and expect us to get our affairs in order before you lay down the hammer. There is a countless number of developers who have to figure out how to replace their assets, some having thousands to replace. Ridiculous. Not to mention you expect us to use the ridiculous sounds made by the Roblox account especially when the catalog searching is practically broken! It seems Roblox is falling apart especially with duplicated codes, inappropriate asset names and descriptions uploaded to the Roblox account, false bans/terminations, etc. I do not support this and neither should any other developer. Huge inconvenience for everyone. I wish there was a downvote button. :-1: :-1: :-1:


i mean this in an experience-istic (is that how you would spell it???) way. all classic, iconic audios on the platform? gone. games with music which their devs have passed away? goodbye music! music made by devs for everyone to use? unless they’re willing to spend ages unprivatizing their audio… not public domain anymore!


I agree with you on some, although like what I just said a couple minutes after your post.

Example for scripters:
Sound.SoundID = 12345
If Sound.SoundID = 0 then

This should fix any errors in scripts, and is a quick and easy way to resolve this “chaos” with my fellow scripters. (The lines of code given were just a quick example.)

Sorry. I thought the joke was obvious.

I am excited about this feature. Many times, you wish to have audio but are only limited to the already uploaded audio which sometimes doesn’t suit your need. With this update, the game genre can expand and is a beneficial update for new devs. Of course, many devs have to change many of their audio, which I believe is a short terms problem and there are many advantages of this update over the disadvantages.

bad update


There isn’t much I can add to this conversation that other people haven’t already said, but this is a BAD, BAD update. Aside from ruining the custom level feature in my game “Red Ball 4 Two” due to the fact players will no longer be able to use their own music, I am expected to replace nearly EVERY song in my game since I almost entirely used Nintendo music uploaded by other players (Their audios never got taken down, so I felt it was an OK decision at the time).

My game is story-driven and relies heavily on music to set the mood for the emotions the player should be feeling. I can’t possibly compose almost 100 songs that carry the same emotions in such a short time frame, I don’t want to risk potential copyright violations by reuploading the other users’ audio, and I CERTAINLY don’t want to sift through the stock library to desperately look for anything similar.

Please, Roblox, PLEASE don’t private public audio over 6 seconds. Updates like this make me want to give up immediately and start developing in Godot or another free game engine.


I think you misunderstood her point here. They meant that classic games will lose much of their magic as many of their iconic audios and music will be privated and silenced for good.

Most developers of classic Roblox games no longer actively use the platform and likely would never have the chance to implement anything like this.


The only thing this would do would delete audios… NOT replace them… Many old games have audios… :roll_eyes:


As far as I can tell, if you have an event hooked up to a specific sound and it doesn’t play for privacy setting reasons; the event will never fire. It essentially breaks the function the thread/script is running in a sense if that is a critical part of functionality, just won’t exactly give an error. This can and will cause problems, though it shouldn’t if programmers go through the hassle of revising their scripts to not be dependent on any sort of events hooked up to Sound instances.
The issue is having to go through such a hassle in the first place, which is tedious if you have a ton of audios you need to replace.


This update is the same thing if node.js announced an update where you can’t use 3rd party modules and give you 2 weeks to change these, if you dont, your code breaks. Revert this pzl


Yeah I am emotional too, I had to quit my years of dreams of this :disappointed_relieved:

Not to mention how I spent about $200 USD into planning and stuff for this let alone I have to tell my friend who stuck with me after having to re do a horror game we were making that took over a year to make bc we started learning Roblox Studio at the same time. It was a great learning experience for us but I have to now break the news to him.

2 years of improving for all of it to just be crushed ):


I’m fine with giving users the free ability to create audio assets (although more security probably should be insured before doing that), but disabling audios if it isn’t theirs is a terrible idea. It would mute practically every game on Roblox that doesn’t use their own sounds.


I mean I guess we could say that roblox is sadly being pressured into doing this by other music companies who own the copyright of some music in the roblox library, I only see one benefit to this really (that being the free uploading of music), but if roblox is really pressured into doing this, I suggest for devs to be given at least 4 - 7 months to replace assets around since i feel that just a month isnt enough for everyone to make the change, Including that most people probably still go to school and develop, to make the workload a little less substancial for everyone.


This is awful. If a developer uploads audio for others to use on the Roblox platform, shouldn’t that audio be accessible? Why push this sort of change to make these audios private to people who often don’t want to rely on generic, sponsored Roblox copyright-free music?

What about open source models that have audio in them? For example, musical instruments meant to be used in-game (pianos, guitars)? This would just render those models useless.

Sure, the free audio fee has been removed, but the negatives outweight the positives here. I just checked and I have 45 audios to replace. It doesn’t seem that bad until you realize that Roblox’s moderation system is a GAMBLE. Those audios might not even get accepted again due to the current state of the bot-ish moderation. I’m luckily id-verified, but imagine this for people who get only 10 audios per month.

Why do I have to ensure that my game won’t break because the previously working audio system has been changed out for something effectively worse? And in a matter of two weeks too? It’s doable for me, but imagine how it is for larger game studios.

The tix removal, I UNDERSTAND. FE, I UNDERSTAND. Animation engine changes? I UNDERSTAND! What I don’t understand, is WHY this decision was made. I’m really tempted to pack up my bags and just find a better platform, because this is outrageous.


I’m not a big fan of this update, however we have to deal with it. Legally Roblox cannot. Copyright rule is anything greater than 5 seconds is stolen. It is why sounds 6 seconds or longer will be set to private on March 22nd. Once again it will be a tedious process to replace/add sounds to games, but it’s just something we have to deal with.

I’m actually unsure how making sounds private above/at 6 seconds would do anything, wouldn’t the music companies still see the audios meaning the entire point privacy system is voided?

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Wow. This is actually quite the pleasing change, at a surface level understanding.

I can’t seem to comprehend why the implementation of this system is the way it is. Is it really necessary to private all pre-existing audio over 6 seconds - an arbitrary length to denote “sound effects” - even if that decision is against the will of the uploader? Isn’t it just fine to give said uploader the ability to private audios of their own volition? The fact that is feature is being locked in the name of a “long term solution” speaks of an ulterior motive to doing so. I see no rational reason for this caveat.

The limits on uploads is understandable, at least to someone who does not understand what shouldering the new influx of requests means. But… is 10 really enough for the average developer? I personally am not comfortable dolling out my personal information to a company, as many others are, and am therefore not legible to receive any sort of upgrade unless I crawl my way to DevEx. I think it would be much better for players to opt into paying anyway, in order to upload past the original limit. Better yet, why not include better limits for seniority, clean moderation, or forum membership? Why not allow slots from months past to carry over? Please, we need a system that is more accommodating.

Oh man, just think of the hundreds of thousands of library ID slots used up for duplicate sound uploads because of this change. It’s incredibly inefficient. Thoughts and prayers to any poor audio designers or devs who have to crank out hundreds of audios in the follow days.


Many of you have given me amazing responses and I can’t quite reply to them all plus the 5 minute slowmode. The copyrighted system was never perfect though, it worked sometimes, but some outliers came through, anyhow… anyone can take iconic classic audios and upload it for themselves, yes it’s a bit saddening it’s no longer public for the entire Roblox library but not much we can do.

A good point though, I didn’t think about sound.Instances type stuff, it should work similar to how I have previously said, for example, if set sound id does not exist then set sound id is now set up to a backup, if backup fails, we permanently set the id as 0 leaving it with nothing. Depending on how some users script may need them to change their scripts and make them work with this new system, but like I mentioned before, not too much we can do right now.