[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

Is there any way to petition this update to stop them from making private the audios developers specifically made public?

Roblox should not be re-deciding for them after giving them the choice as a developer to share with the community. Thousands of robux have been invested into uploading these audios for developers and groups to use, and it will potentially costs hundreds of dollars irl to pay for replacement audio that actually fits the games that need them. (assuming a developer can afford that)

This update will seriously damage many games.


The issue isn’t really with privacy protection, it’s the idea that even audios that were intentionally released by the creator for use on other players’ maps will be private now, and not useable. Some audios extend back years and the creators are no longer around, its not bad for people who know how to upload quality audios but those are the exceptions to the issue rather than the norm.

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If this update comes out, it would COMPLETELY ruin game development. I am going to give my personal opinion on this post.

The addition of free audios is good. HOWEVER, putting a 1 month limitation on audios without the ability to purchase audios with Robux if you exceed this limit is not.

You are basically putting a restriction on developers who refuse to show their ID on uploading audios. I am age verified myself, but I oppose this feature like many other developers. A more suitable restriction would be premium, although its better to have the 10/100/2000 audio upload cap per month.

I have no words for this.

I have several audios that my users enjoy. Implementing this feature would completely ruin my fanbase from audios, same with other users who upload audios. Looking at other posts I can see devs are being forced to remove their audios they got from other users. This also likely means boomboxes (a feature that I and many other people highly enjoy using) will be affected by this.

A good chunk of developers will not be using these sound effects, including myself.


Overall I find this upcoming update mostly negative. The ONLY positive thing I find about this upcoming update is the free audio uploads. That itself is guarded with a 10 audio only restriction PER MONTH for NON ID-VERIFIED USERS WITHOUT the ability to purchase audios after you exceed the limit. Everything else mentioned in this post is NOT good.

If this post becomes a reality, it will beat all other Roblox updates for the worst of all time as I can see (including the removal of tix).



“How could Roblox do this to us?”

Because you kept saying that everything Roblox does is awesome and acknowledge 0 flaws so they know it’s easy to run over you.

You practically lost your own speech by actively ignoring the hundreds of issues with Roblox and this is what it has lead to.


do you guys remember that one time where the jailbreak rain sound effect got copyrighted

I don’t understand how Me, My own account who uploaded audio, cannot use the audio used in my Own group. Just can’t wrap my head around it ¯_(ツ)_/¯


I know what I will be doing all week sigh (Try finding audio to replace anything you have picked out, it’s not easy) Luckily a lot of my audio I uploaded myself

Me when literally all music and sounds from my game are from other users


In my opinion, the automatic private setting for most existing audio isn’t the big issue with this announcement. Yes, it will hurt players who enjoy legacy games, however, it is unreasonable for players or developers to expect that a game will remain supported indefinitely without an update from the developer. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if this move was done to suppress any claims of copyrighted content still lingering around on the platform, as that would somewhat explain the time limit.

The real issues are the Hard cap on audio uploads a month and the incredibly limited notice of this change. 2 weeks is not nearly enough time for developers to fix issues caused by the platform. Especially issues that will fundamentally ruin the gameplay experience such as missing audio and broken scripts. This should have been announced a month in advance, minimum.

Coming back to the cap on audio uploads, 10 is a perfectly reasonable number for the average Roblox player, but for Developers? 10 is not near enough for any realistic development workflow, and yes you can increase it to 100 by handing over a ton of personal information, however, for many developers 100 clips a month is far from enough. Especially in the current scenario where many devs are faced with needing to replace hundreds of clips in the next two weeks, how are they supposed to achieve this feat? Furthermore, it appears as though “select” users get access to 2000 uploads a month, and yet Nothing has been said about how to obtain this cap from Roblox. From what I have read no one seems to know exactly who gets this perk, people have claimed to have it without devex, without premium, and without a large number of plays so I am lost for ideas here.

And my last point is a suggestion If Roblox is to implement private items on many things in the future,
there should at least be assignable permissions in the group which allows ranked members to share assets from the group in their personal projects. From my understanding, under these new settings, you would need to set the permissions on each individual item, and if they are not set as public the permissions for each individual user have to be configured. If that is indeed the case, it would be absurd to not include some form of setting or automation to manage the permissions on your assets, especially for group assets.

In short:

  • extend the deadline for developers
  • add some way to upload audio after hitting the monthly cap
  • ensure for the items going towards a permission-based system that there are ways to manage said permissions en masse

learning Unity engine as fast as i can


It’s gonna be just like how animations have been treated for some time. Extremely annoying.


Terrible idea, who thought it would be a good idea to more or less purge all the old audios?

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Bad idea, almost all experiences would be broken because of the time constraints.

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It’s more unreasonable for Roblox to expect developers to do all this dirty work of replacing every audio in their game(s). Some parts of this update are good, but the idea of more or less purging 16 years worth of audios is beyond insane. Not even including what it will do to gamepasses like boomboxes and whatnot.

I agree it is somewhat unreasonable for people to expect that a game will remain supported indefinitely, but this is to a degree. Roblox shouldn’t be out here breaking key components of the platform for no reason.


the update is objectively horrible but putting “no reason” in that sentence is very ignorant

Guys sign this petition to stop this change! Lets do it!


It’s probably something else, i have a old <13 acc and it have 2000 audio per month limit, I’m pretty sure It’s the place visits (including group games)

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  1. I agree that the time frame is short.
  2. The error would be from loading the sound id, not trying to play it
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To me, this is a horrible idea. Free audio = bypassing for everyone, everywhere.

To think someone actually thought “Hey let’s let people upload like 10 audios per month, that sure won’t cause an uproar in the community!”.

The only reason people are saying “Yay! Awesome!” is because of the free audio and that’s it.

With the “Audios being muted if they don’t belong to you or your group” thing, almost all of my games that don’t have audio uploaded by me will completely be ruined. There are too many games of mine to fix these dumb errors with audio muting.

This is genuinely a terrible idea and i hope you guys figure out a GOOD way to figure out these problems.

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I love and don’t love this.

First off. I DO NOT LIKE the fact that all audio will be set to private. Does that mean that currently all free-to-take audio that has been in my inventory will become unavailable to use?

A lot of games will simply stop working properly, especially those that aren’t updated anymore. We developers at times rely on things that already exist in the market for us. This is a bad change and overcomplicates things