[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

Its a big L for both of us. This update complete messed up my whole game :confused:


I would personally recommend Godot, it is a free and open source game engine with less problems than Unity from what I’ve heard from. Furthermore, it’s node system is easier to transition to from Roblox’s instance tree compared to Unity’ which uses a entity-component system. Though I will admit, I have used Unity in the past and it definitely isn’t a bad option.


Oh, snap. Now meshes are going to be like this too?
rip my games
What does this mean for other asset types like Models, Meshes, or Animations?

Initially, privacy will only work for audio but we will eventually unlock it for all other asset types. You will then be able to choose whether to make any asset public or private.

For private assets, you will be able to manage who uses them by granting permissions to individual accounts or experiences. This will give you significantly greater control over who can use your assets and means you will eventually have more options with how you upload and share your assets.

oh yeah. rhythm games that heavily rely on songs will be RUINED by this update. 99% of the songs are not official songs by roblox. if they want their game to survive, either they pray this update doesn’t happen or they have to reupload EVERY SINGLE BIT OF AUDIO that exists in their games. this is indeed a very stupid update


I believe the way that Roblox gathers community opinions / consensus can be changed significantly. This is essentially saying that “we’ve internally decided to make this change without any outside opinions and without considering the repercussions of this action.” Things like this should be brought to whatever team makes the decisions, and in some non-platform critical, and what could be considered public scenarios, then should be brought to the public for consensus and how it would affect the development experience for the majority of players. All I see right now is hate from Roblox Developers because of this change, and the way I see it, this hate and inconvenience this would bring could have been avoided should Roblox had done a survey or did a post prior to this.


I would rather pay then have all my audio from my games removed. Also, please, get better moderation, I cant upload some sound effects because they are “distorted”, they aren’t distorted they are helicopters.


The worst part is that it is that limit isn’t just for free audio, but audio in general!
You can only upload 10 audio every month! You can’t pay robux even if you wanted to!
They’re actively losing out on money.


Just to clear things up, I have the 2000 limit, but I have never had premium (or builder’s club when it was called that), I don’t have a verified ID, and I have never dev-ex’d. I do have two places with a few million visits + enough robux to dev-ex, though.


Yeah, I just noticed that. :confused:

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Yeah, I think the upload limit depends on how many place visits you have.

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wouldn’t this update make roblox LOSE money instead of gaining more?? a lot of popular games will be broken. that leads to less players… hope that can be all pieced together

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Terrible update. If you really want to give users control, why not just add the function to privatize sound ids? Easy as that. But the fact that someone came up with the idea of that AND automatically making all audio beyond 6 seconds REGARDLESS if the user wants it private or not to be privated.

This is the same as removing all community made audios that are open sourced. Who knows one day some one in the Roblox staff goes: “Hey, since we did the audio thing that made millions of people hate us, why not just REMOVE toolbox so that users can have “more control over their asset””.

Unreasonable move, Roblox have too much trust in your own system that is obviously flawed, removing the sorting function to prove that point.

Hell, fix your moderation system before doing this, thing keeps listing stuff as copyrighted even though it’s not and allowing BYPASSING soundids.

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I’ve used unity a bit in the past. But I will check out Godot for sure!


The only problem is that there’s a big amount of FPS community that uses free audio asset from other content creator, if they don’t have any access to it, what they’re gonna do? Gun audio are usually hard to find, even a pack of it might be expensive because making one need a lot of sound editing.


I’m emotionally charged over this.

I feel betrayed in a way. I have this odd feeling of “This is the end.”. It’s like the end of a story, who we though was with us was against us. We know we have to move on but we don’t want to. We remember all the happy moments we had and we want to stay, but we know it’s over. We have to move on and let it go.

Me and my friend are discussing ditching and going to another engine. I honestly never though I’d be having this conversation with him. This is where I’ve met most (if not all) of my friends. It’s so surreal. From Roblox, I got into development, I learned how to animate, I learned to design some logos, how to build a map. And so much more. Now I have to leave it.

Change is hard, but it’s necessary.

Roblox, I love this platform, I’ve met so many good people and learned so much. I don’t want to leave, but I will. Please stop this. If you truly want to better Roblox, listen to the community. You need us more than we need you. If we all quit then there’s nothing you can do.

Before you make decisions like this, ask the community first.

You want to grow and bring new people in, but at the same time your pushing them away.

Roblox, Stop with the forced ID verification. Stop making updates like this. Stop not listening to the community.

@bitfist @peraldon I’m tagging both of you in this. I tagged Bitfist, as he posted this (I will assume he involved in this decision). And I tagged Peraldon, as I have talked to you before about Roblox. (This also seems like a push for ID verification, witch we have discussed before). Both of you are free to message me if you would like to discuss anything with me. (Please also contact some of the other people here, a lot of us are going to be screwed over by this, if not all of us. Please listen to us!)

I also tied this into a reply because of the cooldown.


I have a feeling this update was because of… outside influence.

nudge nudge


Why is this change being introduced with zero previous consultations, with an adjustion time of 12 days…?

How are we supposed to reupload our audios in 12 days if we can upload a grand total of 10 (or 100) audios per month? What about Team Create games in which Team Create members were uploading audios too? Are we now being told to go through 200 audios and make them public for everyone to use them in our game? Or should we reupload them on the owner’s account in a time of 20 months?

What about boombox gamepasses? Their owners essentially got scammed and we can’t do anything about this.

No previous change has killed my motivation to develop as much as this one.


said it in another reply so ill tldr this but:
i meant breaking it in an way of experience, such as music, or slightly longer sound effects, etc etc. and theres some games that are no longer updated which will intensefully suffer from this. which yes, may include some classic games.


moderation exists for that exact reason

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Lucky. My games aren’t good enough for Roblox to deem me worthy of having a realistic amount of audio uploads sigh