[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

I absolutely agree. The way that Roblox has thought this out (or lack thereof) is absolutely atrocious. I was about to start up another project on Roblox but now I’m moving it elseware. I was considering switching, but this update has convinced me to just do it and get it over and done with. No more Roblox development for me unless this is reverted.

Can’t wait to more freely express myself without terrible limits elseware :smiley:

If anyone needs a place to upload their games; use GameJolt. You may find me on there, I am called UnaryClock! I don’t know if that place is the best but I’ve found some incredible games on there and it may interest you too :]


this update just made the moderation for audio 5x slower, it has been 40 minutes since i uploaded my audio and its still in moderation…


This is an absolutely horrible update. Not saying it because of the 10/month limit I personally got (thanks for that by the way…) but also because a lot of assets are going to be unchangeably private for a while. A lot of rhythm gam- “experiences” will suffer, and so will g- “experiences” that heavily rely on sounds.

And let’s also address the mouse in the room - Models, Meshes and Animations will get affected by this too - THAT is not something I, as a models developer, would accept, if the same conditions and stuff from audios apply to them as well - not to mention they already are free.

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I suspect they’re trying to nuke the catalog to get rid of any potential slips by the bot.

This is going to break car meeting games in general and most likely impact script builders…

One thing I would like to ask is, assuming a sound is privatized and not owned by the game owner, when we call Sound:Play() upon that asset will it error script execution or will it just not play anything?

And what about making sounds public? Are they permanently private or can we set them to public and make it usable in other games regardless of who owns it?

I guarantee they decided to make all audios private and added on the free uploads later just to try to keep us from being mad.


My theory:

Since roblox is being sued by NPM for 200 millon, they came up with a compromise where roblox uploads their audios, but roblox woyld have to delete all other ones so NPM’s music actually gets sales. If so, thats so scummy. I hope NPM will stop this, but i doubt it.



The approach they’ve taken to things in the last years have all been through an absolute corporate standard, which wasn’t always the case. The only reason we even got to know so late is quite literally because during the years this was discussed, caring about a smooth transition for the players was not even close to a priority.

The situation could have been handled in a more favourable situation for the players and the reason it wasn’t was quite truly because we all act as if Roblox does everything right, despite being one of the most dysfunctional companies out there.

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From what I know, attempting to load an audio that you do not have permission to use will yield an error, and any attempt to play it won’t do anything.

And, of course, it’s 10 audios per month. HARD LIMIT.
How generous.


This is horrifying.

  • Free audio uploading I would welcome with open arms- if it weren’t for the horribly restrictive audio upload limits with absolutely zero explanation on how to increase this limit. Why even make the hyperlink on the audio upload page read “Need more?” when the question is never answered?
  • Classic games will become filled with awkward silence due to the developers no longer maintaining them.
  • Current games will also become filled with awkward silence for the next month or so as an even larger portion of their sounds were not uploaded by Roblox. Someone has to sit there, look at the list of audios that will be broken, and reupload them from the correct game holder. One at a time.
  • Only two weeks to adjust games to this change? Do you have any idea how important custom audio is in Roblox games? Some popular games use hundreds of audios just for one project, and sitting through the process of reuploading each one individually in the span of two weeks is far from reasonable for anyone who has a job besides Roblox or is currently attending a school. Not all of us are doing this as full time jobs!
  • Radios are not as big of a issue, I’m just going to miss them a lot.

I understand that dealing with copyright laws is like navigating a minefield, but this is a nuclear option.

If there is a better way, I, and likely many others, strongly urge Roblox staff to try to find it.


This is seriously gonna impact script builders, anyone who executes literally any script that uses sound in general and pointing to a public sound asset that will be later privated (and most of the popular scripts have them!) is going to break, and the players who don’t even know about this will think it’s a game bug when it’s not even our fault!

Also this update technically scammed people who bought “boombox gamepasses”, we bought them to be able to play music using sound asset ids from the library, and Roblox essentially removed those rights! I wonder how is this gonna continue


Ok, I didn’t mind new audios becoming private. I think that’s a great idea for developers to decide, but I really don’t like that all of the audios uploaded before this change are going private. This will ruin countless games and I’m sure most of the existing audios on Roblox right now will disappear.


well guess it’s time to start refunding, again

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I don’t think it will break the script though

This is what baffles me the most. Did they work on this update yesterday? Was there no preparation?
For god’s sake, there used to be typo when it first went live.
What is going on at Roblox?


Yeah, as a developer myself who is not ID verified (I do not trust my personal info being in the hands of another person) AND who owns a train game with over 150 sounds in it, this change is a very bad one to say the least.

The fact that each train consists of more than 15 sound assets means that it will take over 1 month just to finish ONE TRAIN!

Hopefully we can just pay the 20 robux to upload audio if we go past the 10 per month limit. If there are any premium benefits, then that’s just disgusting…

Maybe instead of ruining everything, fix some other issues like BRICKSHIFT…


I doubt most developers will do a refund, but still we have been technically scammed! Roblox shouldn’t be destroying the entire sound library because of copyright, bypassed audio, or getting sued from another company. They even have moderation that checks audio and that moderation still allows the bypassed sounds, it’s unfair that us developers have to deal with Roblox’s own issues, it’s their issue so they should be solving it without having to massively involve every developer and break tons of games in the platform. People aren’t even provided a way to download sounds and has to use the developer console or a extension to download sounds, additionally I don’t think theres a way to mass upload sounds, and from the replies I’ve read that the sound upload limit is a hard cap that you cannot even bypass using robux!

I would rather pay 300 robux to upload sound and get weary over Roblox’s moderation denying my sound rather than having free sound uploads but same moderation and having the whole audio library nuked!


I hear a possible reason for this is because some very large company that has copyrights to a ton of music being used on Roblox has warned Roblox to handle it or possibly get sued for millions.

And if that’s the case, easy solution is to just remove the offending copyrighted content yeah?

So then why go the extra mile and force this whole ‘All audio will be privated’ that many users have uploaded, most being copyright free I assume, with intentions for it to be used in any game by anyone. You rob this from people for the ID’s that are no longer managed due the inactivity of the uploader as they will not be able to toggle the audio back to public use (if that will even be a thing.)

Also if people are forced to reupload sounds just so they can use them for their own games, RIP Roblox’s hard-drive space. What was once only like 2-3 of the same mp3 file or whatever format, will now become hundreds of the same or similar file. It was bad enough when the same clothing image was being spammed in the catalog, but that’s small compared to the file sizes that audio can be.

I think it’s safe to say that everyone will agree to this update if these changes are made:

  1. Don’t private already existing audio, make the uploader have to manually change it to private if they don’t want it to be public. If there is an issue with the audio somehow, simply moderate that specific audio itself, instead of just setting it to private like that somehow fixes the issue at hand.

  2. Groups owned by you can use content you own on your profile.

  3. Upload limits can be avoided by using alt accounts. This was a main factor in why clothing items now have an upload fee, to prevent spamming the catalog with the same content. Now you are only just encouraging this behavior but for audio instead. My opinion: keep the fee, but perhaps allow a few freebies now and then.

  4. Two weeks notice is too short of a deadline for such a massive change, lots of cases where over 100 audios in a single game will need to be fixed.


So… I’m getting audio that I uploaded marked as private/red in the audio discovery tool for a game under a group that I own

I’m guessing it’s marked as red since one of my team members created this place?!? Either way, it seems logical me owning the group should have given permissions for my audio to be used in my group games.