[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

Developing roblox games is getting harder and harder everyday.


You almost had me at “Free Audios”.

At least have the audio privacy change not private any older audios. This way, any older audios would still load.


I work primarily in audio design, I have uploaded 800 sounds for a game in the course of a five month time span. Under this new update, If I want to upload 800 sounds in a game now, I will have to WAIT EIGHT MONTHS.


I do gunshot audio in layers, each gun has about 5 layers (sub, shot, mech, tail outside, tail inside) and each layer has ~6 samples. So if I want to do a new gun, I would have to upload 30 sounds. That means over a quarter of my free audio budget is spent already for one weapon. This also doesn’t account for other sounds I need to upload such as multiple footsteps for each surface, multiple bullet casings for each surface, multiple hit sounds for each surface / body, multiple voice lines, etc.

I like the idea of free audio uploading, but now I’m completely restrained. This absolutely hinders my progress. I’d rather it going back to pay-per-audio if that means I can’t be locked out of doing my main job after uploading a certain amount and waiting a whole month to continue progress.


The difference is that if you illegally use audio someone else uploaded there are no consequences to you directly, but if you illegally use audio you uploaded yourself, you are directly taking responsibility and you can get banned under the repeat infringer policy. That’s the point of the update.

See first paragraph

I would guess that the NMPA’s lawsuit against Roblox is a big reason for this change, so it doesn’t matter how many people complain to Roblox about this. They are essentially doing it because they have to, not because they want to.

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i will say, this is giving me inspiration to speedrun a much-needed and long-delayed update to my game just so i can counteract this horrible update.
it’s definitely so soon because of some legal nonsense they are going through. i understand, but they are passing the buck to us, the developers. its not fair

i just wish they gave us until april 1st (lol) or something because some of us have spring break the week before this happens. and some of us also have pretty long-planned out plans for spring break so that makes this an even smaller window

it’s damn easy to develop them if you have a lot of cash like some of the megastudios/companies that are buying up every small game dev group these days

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exactly my point I was complaining about how roblox has decided to keep all of the bad traditions but gets rid of the ones that benefit small developers


some of the “traditions” they have deleted have been long gone my friend. i remember the days of when they got rid of 1 robux/1tix clothing :sunglasses:

we’ll still be suckers and go with it as long as we keep getting paid by them. nothing else we can really do


I have read most of the comments in this thread.
To better get the general idea of everyone’s concerns, here you go:


  • Free Uploads (who doesn’t like free things?)
  • that’s um… that’s pretty much it… tbh


  • Free Uploads (opens up the potential for resource spamming, and wasting space.)
  • Groups you own can’t use content on your profile.
  • 2 week notice is too short to fix hundreds of audio id’s that a lot of devs are facing.
  • Concerns that content made private by force will not be allowed to be changed to public for an unknown time.
  • Content moderators’ workload will be greatly increased due to fee removal.
  • Complicates things for people who create audio for other developers for a living.
  • Forcing Private will basically ignore all intentionally uncopylocked assets.
  • Unnecessary headache caused by corporate greed? This is why we cant have nice things.

As for the audio limit, some have 10, some have 100, some have 1000 and some have 2000. It is mostly assumed that people with premium or are in the beta or are verified, have access to higher limit. This has yet to be proven by an official source.


I have question, There some accessories with sound effects playing in-game.
Telemon Chicken Suit, Transient Harmonica, Brighteyes’ Bloxy Cola Hat

Will these accessories have any restrictions about privacy?

petition to remove the transient harmonica - YouTube


Don’t forget the 10 audio hard limit.


With free uploads (and alts being able to upload up to 10 audios per month for free)
I wonder how overloaded roblox’s already weak moderation team is going to be.


Agreed, that limit is customized for every user while someone uploads audio for free. Like I have free 100 audios upload.

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The audios are uploaded by Roblox so I doubt that very much.


This update is the nail in the coffin for me. I’m not putting the effort to replace near thousands of audio ids that others cant even hear unless its in my own game.


This is disappointing news. I understand the need for creators to protect their intellectual property rights, and I support that. But hard limiting us to 10-100 sounds per month is completely ridiculous. I wonder, does this apply to all developers, or does it only further marginalize those smaller developers who don’t generate any revenue for the company?

I recently planned on purchasing/licensing several sound effects that I needed for an upcoming project. Because I don’t have a verified ID, I would have to wait 3 months just to upload all the audios that I paid for (I am aware there is a temporary moratorium on the limit for the time being). This is not acceptable and it seems like an impulse/forced decision made with a lack of careful consideration for the consequences it would have. What are we supposed to do if we have multiple projects where we need to upload more once the limits are enabled?

If this is the future of Roblox, I can’t see myself and many others continuing to develop games on this platform under such asinine constraints. It’s already going to be hard enough to replace all of the free/open sounds that will be going away in such a short timespan.


The sheer delusion in which roblox puts itself in which is arguably going to kill their game with how exponentially they’ve increased the workload if you need to re-upload sounds then later all assets.
The game functions on it’s open market and most games or places cannot replace these due to multiple factors.

Ironic that this comes when roblox’s stock is at an all time low.

But oh well free audio right?


Audios have to even be uploaded on the group for them to work? (like Animations) Because audios uploaded on the group owner’s account are marked as “This asset needs to be replaced as it is not owned by the creator of this place” :confused:


okay so now i can truly say

i am so freaking disappointed in roblox, like i could get over lots of the other stuff they’ve done but this is just so far out there its dumb


Good job Roblox, pretty much forcing people to possibly infringe on copyright so games keep their audio. This update needs to be looked over again, this is probably the worst update Roblox has done so far. Worse then removing tix and clothing price floor (those are the bad updates that stuck with me).


I’m sorry, but we can’t support this.
If people set their audio to public it indicates that they want it to be used freely in the public domain.
This has to be one of the most catastrophic updates. Millions of games will be broken.
This is because people can easily circumvent this to record or rip off the audio that they need, instead of using it properly. Additionally, audio privacy is less of a problem and less important than the theft and leaking of games/models with 3rd party exploiting software.
The important question is, if developers have uploaded audio to their profile to be used collectively in a group, how will this now work if they cannot be allowed to be given to groups to use? Experiences will not have the same depth and experience without these audios. This is simply unacceptable and unforgivable.
At the bare minimum, PLEASE only enact this change on new audios uploaded as of now.