[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

We got free audios but for what cost? :skull::skull::skull:


This update, is by far, a horrible idea, Why? Well first off, the new audio privacy feature will forever block audios created by users who no longer play Roblox, or who no longer have access to Roblox or their accounts.

Well, canā€™t I just re-upload the audios now since itā€™s free? Yes, and No. This brings me to my second reason, the audio upload limit. Iā€™ve only been given 10 Uploads per month, I realize that I can increase the limit to 100 uploads a month by providing an ID, but I just donā€™t feel safe doing so. This means just to fix one of my games, it could take up to 4-5 MONTHS, this seriously ruins my motivation. If this update goes out, at least let us pay for more uploads rather than limiting small devs to just 10 or 100 a month.

And lastly, my third reason, Boomboxes. Most people have used one at some point in time, either to troll or just chill, most of us can agree that the boombox is a cool feature to have. But removing the ability to have an ID Playback System to play UGC that isnā€™t theirs in a game that they donā€™t own makes the jukebox kinda useless, some people might not like the new audios.

The only good thing that is going to come out of this update is free audio uploading. You said,

Our hope is that by removing barriers like this, it will make it easier for everyone to publish content.

This update just seems to create many new barriers. If anyone reads this, thank you for taking the time to do so.


This change is disgusting and needs to be rethinked. If I want to create free models for everyone to use open-sourced, it shouldnā€™t be taken away like this.

This will break a lot of models I have uploaded to the toolbox. If I, the uploader, wants to keep it free to use for everyone, it should be kept that way.

Do I personally have to add instructions to the model itself on how to reupload the audio to fix this?


This sounds great and could be great but now that audio uploading is free, we can expect a lot and I mean A LOT of bad stuffā€¦


Honestly a pretty good update, I can finally upload my Audio library without worrying that I will run out of Robux. I especially like that private audio can not be loaded on other games, this stops people from stealing your audio ID through exploits or other ways then using them in their own games!


I donā€™t understand how bypassed audios can supposedly be a leading factor of this catalog purge when you have ROBLOX themselves posting content with derogatory titles. Can anybody explain how this title even got approved?? This is honestly stupid, disgusting and disappointing and really shows how ROBLOX is steadily becoming more and more automated, throwing aside everybody to pave way for more and more income for the corporation.


Helloooo!!! Member of the Roblox slot car community here! This update literally breaks so many of our things!!! Especially for car sounds!! We do not like this!! It also breaks radios which is a massive no no!! Please donā€™t go through with this as is!! A lot of sounds used within the RCC are from older uploads and will most likely not be unprivated as their uploaders arenā€™t active anymore! i am using too many exclamation marks!


Utterly horrible just nothing else i can say, no words.

Why do i need to find replacements to free audio i find in the toolbox because its all set to private now, who went through with this stupid change nobody asked for? How about spending time working on community requested features not this.


So, all my games will be with no-sounds? Ohh, this is the time to quit.

Literally, roblox making another useless update and not even caring for the people!


Well, rest in peace basically any immersiveness sounds give.


Although Iā€™m not a part of your community, I can agree; this kills everything. Iā€™m fully expecting a mass exodus of developers from the platform after this. And then without devs to update games and make new and innovative ones, the platform will slowly die as everyoneā€“even childrenā€“get bored with a lack of new content and leave as well.

What a way for Roblox to die slowly and painfully, am I right?

Also, yes, you are very much indeed using too many exclamation marks. Itā€™s justified, though.


Adding on: there is a game iā€™m in with about 40 out of 207 audios private, which is incredibly inconvenient because those audios also were very specific and we cannot find them elsewhere, please do clarify how making audios public work, i am completely against this massive of a change on such short notice.


Apm music sucks bro. They has to ruin all of the good music in the toolbox. who even wanted apm music?


It would be really nice if you guys spent some time making the audio searching a lot better

Itā€™s really, really hard to find music/sfx for our games using the current search tools. They feel clunky, and often return irrelevant results


For me this will not be good, because some games use sounds that are from the toolbox and others from some developers. and that they necessarily have to re-upload the sounds to their accounts or group for it to work again


If Roblox doesnā€™t stop to consider the extreme ramifications of this horrendous and rushed plan, then I am probably going to move my development to another platform. They kept us out of the loop and made this decision without consulting developers.

Given this wont just affect audio and games will break, I am devastated.


I am probably not the first person who will say this and will definitely not be the last, but I feel as if I should state my opinion. And for those who want to read all of this but do not wish to put in the effort of reading, you can jump to my conclusion and just read that one (last paragraph).

First of all, I want to thank the Roblox team for making audios free. It was always furstrating having to pay 350 Robux to upload audio to Roblox, and even for the cheaper ones, being unsure on whether I want to use the audio or not, I would end up just searching the toolbox for audio that suits me. That being said, having free uploads is a blessing, and although it is 10 per 30 days (since I am not verified nor have I devexā€™ed before), it is way better than being paid. I honestly love this aspect of the update as it makes things very easy when it comes to development, being able to upload audio very easily without any cost and from there use them in-game. Of course though, as for everything, there is a negative side of things too, and I personally believe that they overweight the positives.

The first and biggest negative for me is the fact that audios are being privated. There are hundreds of thousands of game on Roblox utilizing a radio as a tool or gamepass, allowing users to share their favorite audios with others and make the game a bit more enjoyable. The fact that Roblox is planning to automatically hide all audio is honestly very sad to me, and although it would be somewhat fine under other circumstances, the fact that we are unable to make them public is my biggest concern. It was stated that we will be able to make them public ā€œin the future,ā€ but I honestly am afraid that the ā€œfutureā€ will not be any time soon, as Roblox has said multiple times that they would be doing things ā€œin the futureā€ which was somewhat of a lie considering that those things are yet to happen, with the promotion to Regular on DevForum, the ā€œbug reportā€ button on DevForum, and the Developer Awards (the crowns) being examples that I can think off the top of my head. Having this reputation, I really would not want to wait an entire year and possibly more for audios to be able to be released into the public. This, of course, also breaks many games who utilized background songs, and those songs didnā€™t have to be copyrighted songs, most games used loyalty-free music and NCS in order to avoid legal trouble, and almost all of those games used that audio from others. Having to go through EVERY SINGLE game ever created and try to fix it will be a pain, thankfully though, Roblox did provide a tool to make this a bit easier. Lastly (on this topic), Roblox said that they have a library of 100,000+ songs and 100,000+ SFX, but with all due respect, I have interacted with tens of thousands of people who play Roblox, and never have I seen a single person play Roblox-uploaded music in their radios (with the exception of ā€œItā€™s raining tacos,ā€ which I am unsure if it was uploaded by Roblox or not) or use Roblox-uploaded SFX in their games. Quite the contrary, most people will avoid audios that are uploaded by Roblox because most of them arenā€™t even songs that most people listen to. Even if there are good songs uploaded by Roblox (which I assume to be the case considering the partnership with Monstercat), not all music suits all people, and as of March 22nd, all players will either be forced to listen to Monstercat or not listen to anything. As for the Roblox collection, it is not something enjoyable, and even if there are enjoyable audios, they are impossible to find due to the clatter of audios and SFX.

The second negative with this is bypassed audio. Although this is inevitable, when making audio free, it means that everyone can upload audio, so users will most certainly bypass audio and we will see bypassed audio being used more and more often in games. This ties into the first negative, as making audios private without the ability to change them fixes this issue from being spread to other games, but of course, this is a bad way to approach it as it will cause a lot of negative effects on other developers and players, marking the radio tool and gamepass useless. We already have a large number of inappropriate games on Roblox (which do get taken down very fast, so thank you for that Roblox), now bypassed audio will most definitely be playing at those games as well, although the good thing is that since it will be playing only at those games, only a handful of people will have to go through the suffering of having to listen to them because they ended up joining such game (which in itself are very hard to come by randomly, and the ones I have come by where because people in my friends list happened to be in them, not because I randomly stumbled across them in the discovery section). Either way, this negative is inevitable with this update, and although making audio private does fix the issue, it creates a far bigger one instead.

In my opinion, although I love that audio is now free, I do not support this update. The fact that so many audios are going to be rendered unusable is very frustrating and maddening. I would much rather have a paid audio library (so like it used to be) and be able to use any audio I like than to have my ability of playing whatever audio I like being strapped from me, and rendering hundreds of Robux spent on radio gamepasses unusable. This honestly makes me very mad and against this update as I do not believe enough thought was put into how to implement this without causing this huge issue. There was an alternative to this, and I am sure that it could have been figured out.

From my perspective, a pretty simple fix towards this issue is to allow audio that was uploaded before this announcement (so people donā€™t go bypassing audios) or before the update be set to public, or even flat out avoid setting them all to private. Now, for making new audio public, although I usually would not be for such thing, for this case, implementing it with the age verification system would be the best idea. Since age verification is a way for people to verify your identity, alternative accounts would not be able to make public bypassed audio, and those who do will be banned. I would much rather have some type of reputation system where people with enough reputation can make audios public, but of course I myself do not know how this would work, so it is much better to simply have it for verified users than to not have it at all. Additionally, this could be a temporary alternative until the privacy setting of audios are made public, but we really need an alternative as for right now since ā€œin the futureā€ is not a promising statement. We do not get any estimates on when this ā€œfutureā€ will be, which means that it could end up being months or even years.

To conclude (since this has been long enough already), although this is a great update when it comes to the audio being free, it is one that I wish didnā€™t happen because of the private audios. Since everyone will be able to upload audios, it is inevitable that people will bypass it, so I do understand the fact that audios need to be privated, but there is no reason to make old audios private. Additionally, there is an alternative solution which is to simply give public permissions to verified users for the meantime while we wait for a public release of of the public permissions. Either way, there is an alternative to get the positive of both worlds. Although I love the free aspect of this update, I really wish it never happened.


Slowmode disabled editing, how cool.

I was granted rights to most audios in my game located on a group, which I have to remove? Ridiculous! I wonā€™t change anything. I am outraged.


Have we still not yet gotten a official reply from Roblox? All this outrage and theyā€™re still moving on with this plan that kills nearly all of the audio in our games? Who even thought of this in the first place? If this is your idea of a metaverse, I do not believe it.


ik right who even wanted fe, can roblox just remove it so I can exploit in all of your games?

Very obviously satire, but APM has a HUGE music library, maybe some song you got from the toolbox was from APM.