[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

personally the reason I chose roblox as a game making platform is because how easy it is to access stuff to enhance your game. There’s the toolbox with tons of community made items so you don’t have to go through the problem of making/uploading your own assets to use in your game. this just gets rid of that purpose especially because sounds make a big impact to games


FRRR, I was trying to find some sound effects for my door but didn’t find ANYTHING that was related to it. Just a bunch of weird music uploaded by roblox. They better fix that search engine so we can ACTUALLY find what we searched for.


I wouldn’t be surprised if in the near future, in order to sign up, you won’t just have to provide your ID, but you’ll also have to provide your social security number and birth certificate. You know, just to make sure you are who you say you are. Nothing to hide, right?

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Awful. That’s the word I would use to describe this update, awful.

Firstly, two weeks is not enough time for developers to change all their audios. Personally, I have a game in the works that has over 300 audios that need replacing. We are given 100 uploads in a month (and this is on the high end, most people have 10 which is utterly ludicrous). That means it will take me 3-4 months to replace every single audio in my game. Furthermore, more clarification needs to be done on what qualifies for the 2000 audio limit which some developers have.
Any why, are the limits so far from eachother? It should be 500/1000/2000 not 10/100/2000

I really hope that this is completely rethought, I understand the problem with copyright but this is just not the right way to sort the problem out, period.


It’s about the old audios that I paid Robux to upload them

At first glance this sounded nice, especially the free audio uploading, however there are a few concerns I have.

  • Many games support boomboxes and custom music in homes, etc. And with audios being private, it really affects that. I understand we can use the roblox library of music like you suggested, however a large number of people would probably still prefer using audios the community uploaded. This does handle bypassed audios being played though.

  • It’s going to be a real pain for most games to be broken sound wise, unless the developer goes out of their way to replace all the audios. The plugin for audio discovery really does help, however I feel like you should give devs a bit more time. Only around two weeks to replace all the audios in their game doesn’t seem like a reasonable amount of time. Many people are busy not only with developing updates for games, but also their real life. So, pushing this change on people and giving a small time limit before audios in their games no longer work is pretty stressful

  • I really don’t like the idea of not letting us be allowed to make our audios public or usable. I think this will affect gameplays that allow us to use custom music, and I think it should be the uploaders choice to publicize or make their audio private. Especially with past audios being private without the uploaders consent. Many free to use audios that are popular and loved will no longer work in games unless we reupload them to our account, which doesn’t support the original uploader, especially if they’re the creator and put out their work for the community to use.

Overall I feel this was rushed or not planned out properly. I hope you allow us the option in the future for devs to be able to choose whether their audios are public or not. It really limits our creativity if we no longer have community audios, only roblox audios. They should coexist in my opinion. Not be replaced.


yeah bro. secrets will never be hidden bro.

btw you also have to reveal your password for your phone. Best update bro.


I would have less of an issue with this update if it weren’t for this:

This is such a disaster. If you’re going to release a feature, at least release the required tools to make it work. Some people upload their own songs to Roblox for people to use freely, and this update stifles the ability for people to share their music. I understand this update is mainly about copyright, but you’re already making the situation worse by having free audio uploads which just encourages people to upload audio that bypasses the copyright checks. At least give us the tools we need to manage the settings on our audio instead of just releasing an unfinished update and pretty much telling us to deal with it until a solution is made.


What? Where in the post does it say you need to give your phone password.

And that’s just insanely ridiculous speculation.

damn this update is the worst, got to calm myself down with this cat image


Oh hey. Let’s not forget official Roblox gear and places use audio uploaded on different accounts :upside_down_face:

Biggest examples are:

  • Games (Inventory is private, but Roblox Battle had +6 second audio of an Angelic choir)
  • DarknessGuideMe - uploading EH2013 music
  • Many high-quality and verified models distributed to the community might use +6 second audio
  • clockwork, Shedletsky, RobloSam - Oopsss!

I’m not speculating anything. I simply said I wouldn’t be surprised if that were eventually the case, based on the direction Roblox has been going these past couple years.

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This is terrible.

Mass privatizing of every audio will hurt any project I have ever worked on for my entire span as a developer on Roblox.

Surely there is a better alternative here?


Wow, it does feel like this is truly just made in a haste, with no care or even input from the developers. I’m not surprised at all honestly, they’re just good at making the worst decisions.


I am one of the many players that rely on alternative audios to work in my games. As someone that uses and develops for the most disregarded thing in the entire roblox website known as catalog gears, I have had to deal with roblox ruining my development cycles and game time and time again by deprecating functions, removing features, breaking many scripts INSTEAD of updating them and that I had to painstakingly go through one by one to fix, and now this. Removing audios would not only ruin my game, but would also be a waste to all the players that have spent thousands and thousands of robux on gamepasses to play audios in those games, and this update would essentially make their purchases worthless. This in not just my opinion, but a majority of the communities opinion, is a worthless change and will not make developing games better or easier for the roblox developers here. This is just as bad of a feature as STILL not allowing animations to be tradeable, and deprecating region3 functions, old raycast functions and now even bodymovers. This update will be scrutinized unless roblox goes back on their intentions. :sleepy:


At this point, I feel like quitting Roblox and moving on to Unity, or something.


Exactly! They shouldn’t have released these changes until they worked on them more. Not letting the uploader be able to set the audio to private is so limiting for developers. How can we be creative with only options from roblox and not alongside options from the community? Its as simple as giving us the same configure page they give us with shirts, and places, that allows us to have a choice on making it public or not. Shouldn’t be forced on users due to them wanting to get it out early on…I’d prefer if they spent their time on it so we wouldn’t have to suffer

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my problem is even worse, i have 30 audios in a game, and around 100-200 audios in models that i ins in game, idk how do they want me to reupload it all in 2 weeks and where do i get it all


To be honest, same here, it’s just better.

there is a way to download the audio with developer console. The CDN links are exposed. But whats worse is theres a risk of the reuloaded audio being moderated for being a “duplicate”