[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

That’s not a joke? ok time to go back to disco memes. Make everything worse.

Oof! I’m really glad I paid attention to the copyright of sound effects from the beginning!
I feel the pain of some developers!

this is all audio longer then 6 sec

This change is… bad. not good. awful, even.

It’s mediocre on paper, I guess. But the incredible amount of audio that’s used ingames that isn’t owned by the person who’s making them is wild. Heck, my games are mostly silent because all the music isn’t owned by me.

Most games are going to be affected, negatively. And the solution? Re-upload other peoples audios. I’m being serious. Literally no other way to use audios then spend a tonne of money on something. And most people, me included, don’t have the money to upload a full 3 minute audio recording.

i am very upset!!! this change sucks!!!

edit: i just learnt that audio uploads are now free >. >


Whats the point of automatically privating audios even though some users wouldnt want their audios private? This makes absolute no sense, I think this just ruins user experience on the platform since many games uses music from the library, and theres people that dont know how to convert videos into audio files, which is a bummer, And people who doesnt know how to make music,Which is a problem since not so many people doesnt have enough money to hire music producers.

A big reason this is a problem is. When I look for audio on the toolbox. I’m looking for audio made by other users that put it under the same name.

Not the 20 some audios that Roblox uploaded with the same name even though half the time they have nothing to so with it.

This is just a big slap in the face as now we are either forced to have a silent game, or use ONLY Roblox’s audios UNLESS we are proficient in sound design.


I second this.
I am all for free audio uploads beyond the increased bypassed audios that will come with it, but we as developers need the tools to accommodate for these changes accordingly - after all, audio is what makes up a good amount of a game’s enjoyment factor and is integral to an immersive atmosphere, and losing it could seriously hurt some games with higher player counts out there!


It simply isn’t a joke. That’s a fact. Me saying “Roblox is planning to shut down all its servers in 2023, and also steal the data of everyone who is ID-verified” is not a joke. It’s a declarative statement. That example that I just made is formatted exactly the same as the “joke” you made.

Anyway, relating this back to the original topic, the change is bad for many reasons. Doesn’t help anyone, and will almost definitely make my job as a sound producer harder, not easier.

There’s no winning here other than free audio.
Older / classic games that potentially don’t use copyright sounds are unfortunately going to be ruined by this which is a real shame.

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they really want people to reupload all sounds in 2 weeks with 10 AUDIOS PER MONTH LIMIT, and i don’t even have all the files, some audios were provided by developers that left roblox/were fired/blacklisted etc, how should i get it all, i can’t just go to 6 european airports and record sounds from there, and of course i can’t record take-offs and landings of around 10 planes, i don’t undrstand what do they want to show with it, and it makes me laugh how they say “most won’t hitthe limits” really? how would i upload 30 sounds in 2 weeks when i have only 10 sounds per month limit, impossible

some audios are copyright free, means it can be used by everyone, and creators made it for usuage of everyone, if they won’t rethink, it will cause a lot of problems, including stealing audios

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What is this at the top of the audio upload page then?

and what do i do if i need 2k limit?

Will it affect the roblox-upploaded audios?

I have 2k limit per 30 days

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Giving a short deadline to replace all the audios over 6s uploaded by other users, as well as an upload limit can quite literally make fixing their game on time quite literally impossible. I suggest raising the deadline so that all upload limits can achieve it before the changes take place. Or, you know, just don’t put out a big change if you aren’t fully prepared.

how did you get it? i got only 10 which is too small

No, the ability to set audio to public will be temporarily paused while other solutions are being looked into. We do not have an estimate for when we will re-enable the ability for you to change an asset from private to public.

I’m not sure what you mean.

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Happy to hear that Roblox is expanding their audio assets and features :slight_smile: . However, it feels like this just encourages more bypassers to upload inappropriate audio without a paywall. Looking forward to seeing how the moderation team handles this situation.

I don’t Premium and never DevEx’ed and still have 2k limit per 30 days

So you’re telling me that existing audio will be set to private by default? That’s absolutely ridiculous. Free audio is a nice addition, but the risk is honestly too high. This is going to completely destroy thousands, if not, millions of games on the platform. This is an awful update. I don’t care if you can even upload audio for free or not. This update was clearly not thought out at all, and was just pushed because “free audio”.

“Oh, but there’s privacy too!” No, this is going to destroy lots of games and I have a feeling that you’re just trying to make this update sound good by talking about the privacy, and free audio.

Please reconsider this. You already have ~1,000 replies to the thread with disapproval of this update, despite the free audio and privacy.