[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

last time i saw a good update was i don’t even remember when, the only think i like from roblox new updates is that they make some aiblities to make a game more realistic, but other stuff isn’t that nice, and this update is the worst one

Not only was this update not consulted at all, but also it’s not even ready. We’re being told that we won’t be able to make the audio public, because that’s still being worked on. You can’t even meet the deadline yourself, and yet you require developers to comply within 2 weeks. In the middle of the academic year. Weeks before exams.

Some people get 10, some get 100, some get 2000 and some get 5000 monthly audio uploads. We of course weren’t told what the key is. Myself with a verified ID & mutliple DevEx transactions I’m only able to upload 100 sounds per 30 days.

I always was uploading the audio on my private account, and using it on my group games and games I’m developing through Team Create. Now I have 2 weeks to reupload over 200 sounds I actively use in some games. Even though my limit is 100 sounds a month. I can’t even make them public because you guys have decided to release an unfinished change.

Usually, when no one knows what’s going on, it’s about money. I doubt this is any different in this case. We haven’t even been given a proper explanation why is this happening. Trying to convince us this is to give us more control is absurd and straight up lying to the developers.

Personally, this update made me question my future on this platform. What is the point of developing something that can be threw to the bin by a bunch of corpo managers within less than 2 weeks? With no prior announcement? Such a change should be announced at least half a year before introduction. Now, that I’m busy with work and school, I see no other way out of this than simply abandoning development. Who’s going to play a game with half of the sounds missing? Even if I had time, I probably don’t have any source files I could use to reupload them.

My post surely won’t change anyone’s mind. But this is being taken too far. Profits are being prioritised over basic respect to the developers, who are the biggest contributors to the success of this platform. What’s even funnier, this is being done just after numerous videos about the alleged developer abuse done by Roblox. How does this change look in light of the videos? Answer the question yourself.


Less players means less money, which is not good for the company. Roblox never cared about small developers like me who now has to spend millions of dollars that I do not have just to by a few sound effects.

nobody asked for apm music to be added onto roblox


when im searching for a good audio for a game in toolbox, the first thing im checking if its created by roblox, there is a lot of spammed audios that are not even usuable anywhere, and now, it will be everywhere, who would pay for a music gamepass to play these audios

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Roblox be like:



So already existing audios will be privated? because that would really suck since i use a lot of sound effects under 6 seconds

If you read the post, it says sounds under 6 seconds will not be changed. Unfortunately a lot of sfx are over 6 seconds and will need to be replaced.

On March 22, all new audio uploaded will be Private and all existing audio longer than 6 seconds will be set to Private .

As I understand it, audio shorter than 6 seconds is unaffected by this change.

great now i need to find and reupload all my audio for my game :no_mouth:


This is a TERRIBLE update. Might just be the worst in Roblox history, basically you are just trying to hide the removal of UGC audio just for the purpose to force us to use royalty free Roblox music which nobody uses ever? You do realize this update will DESTROY the player count, right? A ton of games, popular and small are going to go SILENT. We all need to do something to STOP THIS UPDATE.


oh no, i use so much sfx in my games.

There’s nothing stopping people from creating endless bots to upload whatever audios they want within the 10 audio limit, then create a new one to do the same thing, rinse and repeat.

This is a lazy and incomplete approach to fix the problem.


The sad thing is, roblox will probably never even consider reverting this, it was probably a deal with some behind the scenes audio groups. They’re a big company with investors to please, so they’ve got bigger people to listen to


Well, they might just have to consider when they see the gigantic player drop and loss of revenue after the update launches.


if people will start quiting or shutting games down, or take other actions, they will 100% change their mind


Every existing public asset should remain that way by default and the uploaders should be able to make that choice on their own. It is way less of a biggie if a sound element of an experience was taken down because the original uploader privatized it rather than Roblox.


Just make uploading free and get rid of other worthless crap of changes


This is exactly how I feel and im sure I’m not the only one.

I’m sure for anyone who has been needing a reason to take a step away from roblox is able to use this update as a final nail in the coffin. It’s so needlessly depressing and demotivating to know that all your hard work will soon be devoid of any proper atmosphere or ambience that some games absolutely thrive on. Adding salt to the wound is knowing that the only solution to fixing this problem is waiting several months to reupload any audios you desperately need.


I 100% agree. Roblox is just digging their own grave by forcing us to use their crappy royalty free music when we have our own taste in music. Roblox is only thinking about themselves and their precious money at this point. They aren’t thinking about their community or their feedback. They only care about gaining more pennies to add to the billions of dollars they already have earned. It’s just not right.