[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

I’ve resorted to installing Unity and preparing to abandon my game idea because of the potentially biggest screwup Roblox has ever done, I cannot relax until we get a response due to all the backlash within less than 24 hours this post has gained.


Yeah, I’m ID verified aswell. I think audio uploads before change are in factor or join date. [joined 2011]

Roblox really asking for a downfall with this one


I agree. Roblox at this point doesn’t even care about us. They only care about their precious pennies which add on to the money pile in Dave’s office. I think the real purpose of this update is Roblox just forcing us to listen and use their lame royalty free sounds and music. Just like they did with Rthro. This is just outrageous. We as people should be allowed to have our own taste in music and use audios that the community shares with each other. But instead Roblox just wants to take that right away from us, I honestly hope, that when Roblox sees their destroyed player count and revenue going down the toilet, that they will just revert this change and realize that we actually have our own taste in music.


I mean that works too I guess.

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I think that’s it then. Which is really unfortunate, because very few users will actually be able to take advantage of this system. Why not have 100 free/month and then the regular charge rate after that?

Revert this now or I’m permanently leaving the platform along with 20+ other devs I’ve discussed this with. When you consider the problems, this becomes a universally agreed terrible change.

The biggest reason indie devs choose Roblox over Unity/Unreal/Godot is because Roblox has all the tools to make a full game from scratch without ever having to leave Roblox Studio.

New developers who don’t have artistic skill can add copyright free graphics,audio,etc, by just using the toolbox. This encourages individuals, such as a 12 year old kid I know, to try out making games.
This update will mute games made by young developers. Especially ones who can’t source music from outside the toolbox.

This update will cause all non-updated games without a dedicated music budget to be completely muted. Here’s a decent list of games off the top of my head that definitely won’t be fixed unless the devs magically come back to Roblox.

  • PARTY.exe, GASA4, and other historical single player story/ending games.
  • Eg (Muting this game is even more disrespectful, as you probably know.)
  • Rhythm games. (They will take a while to be updated if they are.)
  • Boombox gears and auto-generated rhythm games like rhythm track.

The counter argument “It stops people stealing audios from other games!” is invalid simply because you can just download an audio from the game and re-upload it. Roblox definitely doesn’t have the horsepower to check every uploaded audio to see if it matches an existing private audio. Even if they do, it won’t stop people remixing or slightly modifying the song.

I’m sorry if that part is controversial but it’s a truth every indie dev will come to realise eventually: The only reason this update exists is to take one more step towards pushing individuals away from the platform and encourage corporations and teams to be the only ones with a shot at making successful games. They are making this change to try to ruin games that are not updated or don’t have original music.

We’ve seen it become harder and harder over the years for indie devs to make successful games.
Such as how Roblox’s ad system hasn’t been updated in about 13 years and become useless.
(The code on the ad page is literally unchanged for 10 years!)
This leaves the only way to promote games to either get on search results somehow, or pay youtubers big money, which only corporations and teams can afford to do.

I hope I’ve made it clear why me and 20+ dev friends of mine won’t be staying if Roblox continues to supress individual developers. Like I said, this is just one step of many towards this grim future.


true, they are also removing R6 in december 2022, however, it can be fixed by installing a script in game that makes all players R6 (this is what im using if i need to test r6 only stuff in studio)

If you mean uploading audio before this change would increase the limit, then you are wrong.

One of my friends uploaded audios as well, and they have 10/month limit. This is really unfortunate to them since they need to replace 325 AUDIOS. Thats 3 years just to replace audio. What.

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Where’s your source for this? Never heard of it.

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Roblox is deviating from supporting creators to supporting companies and sponsors.


Offtopic, but, is this actually happening? Could I get a source in messages?

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Offtopic, but they’re doing WHAT?!

Please provide a source. The removal of R6 is a horrible idea as it is integral to so many games.


Oh, and I’m taking that R6 + 1.0 avatar rig with me. They deserve more than this shithole.


roblox is just setting them private,not removing them,you can still use your own audio at your own place

Well, they are. But they are making so you can’t make it public either. Which is outrageous.

Then I suspect is because you are probably eligible for devex or did devex before.

Yes, but there are thousands, if not millions of games that will not be updated to adapt to this change. This is going to silence popular games that can no longer be updated, such as Eg. If that game was silenced, it would honestly be disrespectful. You won’t be able to make them public either until they figure out a solution. I wouldn’t be surprised if top developers quit because of this update.

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I’m going to postpone all of my ongoing game projects on March 22nd for an uncountable amount of time if they don’t revert it to somewhat better.
Probably going to install Unity and make an opportunity on it. This sudden overhaul can and will destroy 99% of the entire audio catalog. All Roblox games that are using audios that are longer than 6 seconds will become silent town. The worst thing is that you cannot reupload them anymore after went private. Really good job Roblox.
You’ve made an another catastrophic disaster that literally no one in the community wanted and asked for. Your reward is endless waves of our anger sending to your HQ.