[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

No, let them suffer. I want those corporate executives to cry about their lost profit.


Paying was also a way to prevent it technically, so still doesnt make much sense to just hand over sensetive data for simple thing as that.

Previously Dev-Ex-ing let’s you upload up to 2000 now.

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This update is cool and all, but was it really necessary to make all past audios private? This just seems like an unnecessary addition to the update that will cause a lot of headaches for individuals who have a lot of audios in their games. I doubt a lot of the new audios will be of use for a while either. I could look up something as simple as “explosion” in the toolbox for an audio, and get some audio uploaded by Roblox that’s not an explosion sound effect, but instead a 3 minute electro dance song. If this update is happening, adding the ability to filter whether you are searching for songs or SFX needs to happen. Then again, I can’t expect that feature from a website that made it impossible to search for games via genre for absolutely no reason.


You need to show the ID to devex, and they said they never showed. It is not the explanation.

Your ID is not stored anywhere by Veriff. A AI scans it and immedailty deletes it.

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I have never Dev-Ex-ed either. I have no idea on why they gave me permissions to upload 2k.

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This is one of the worst things i’ve ever seen. I’m in absolute shock that this is even reality.


Not helpful either when we’ve now got limits on re-uploads, even if I were to re-upload, I have more than the limit that’ll need re-uploading, basically ruining player experience until they’re all fully uploaded

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How much can you upload for 1 mouth?
  • 10
  • 100
  • 2000

0 voters

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Im stuck at 10 UPLOADS PER MONTH yet im on this account since 2014.

What the hell?


First time I saw this I literally thought that I was in a lucid dream. Nope, this is real life.

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Head on the magic school bus and head to Unity or Core, people!

Not only is Roblox trying to be Spotify, they’re crashing their stock.


It may be like that, but right thing should be still allowing to bypass the limit by paying robux.

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This really makes me question and worry the future of my game. Without going into too much detail my game is extremely dependant on audio/sounds for maps. Players have the choice to choose audio for their maps the majority of this audio coming from the toolbox.

The way this update is being enforced makes it impossible for my game to function how it used to and will potentially affect over 6000 unique community creations. I seriously can’t comprehend how this will affect games like Fe2 Community maps by @Crazyblox and many other games similar.


it’s like a full relaunch of audio page, means you will have to wait really a lot of audios, and some will be unavailable, considering the fact that there is a million of different audios, created by bots between 2017 and 2019, it will be impossible to get a large amount of audios, bot protection is much better now, and there will be much more licenses audios, that are usually only take more time to find a song that you need, and people are usually not even looking at it when they see that it was created by roblox, and there might be even more moderation errors, and more spam also, because it’s free, including bypassed audios, etc

so this update isnt good, and roblox should rework before publishing it, and think if they need it, i hope they will do

now about free audios
yeah, a great feature, few days ago i made a voice announcement via TTS bot, and it looked bad, but i didnt have enough robux to publish a better one, now it’s possible, because it’s free, the only problem is spam, it much easier to make an alt and upload a million of bypassed audios, spam audios, etc, this is what happened with plugins

about privacy settings
a good feature, now i can decide if i want people to use my audios or not, however, some people might start stealing audios, which isnt good, however, i think roblox will takedown stolen audios

and making toolbox audios private is the worst thing, it should not be private, as people understanded that it can be copied when they made it, and they can stay public, if creator wants, he/she can make it private

also premium users should get a bigger limit, as they pay roblox in real money, and it would be also nice if roblox makes 2 types of audios, created by roblox and community creations, so i can filter audios, and it will take less time to find the one i need

i hope roblox will read all comments and edit the update before publishing


No, the copyright holder of a sound does not deserve a portion of revenue from games because if a player really likes the sound, they will more than likely trace back the sound to its original source and purchase it for personal use.


I don’t like the community’s reaction to this. Remember when Roblox accounted the material update? Everyone was complaining about it, but Roblox eventually fixed it. I have a feeling Roblox will rethink this update to make everyone happy.


I know, right? I’ve only been playing for 5 years, 3 on this account and the other two on some other ones. I have not provided my ID or have done Dev-Ex because I never wanted to. I never even needed to upload any Audios since I could just use the market place. This is so weird, there must be another reason why I got 2k, though.


Okay several requested changes;

Once past the limit, do not force users to wait a whole MONTH. At least let users pay the old fees if they have gone over the limit.

Keep old sound files that are fully public by the owners to STAY public. This update shouldn’t have to ruin thousands of games for privacy on something that was already public to begin with.
(If the audio is private then by all means feel free to remove it, but most audio in games can be gotten off the toolbox as many developers have free audio. With this update this would remove all that audio and cause game breaking bugs with code that relies that on audio.)

Ignoring the fact this will break countless games; It’s not a bad concept, it just needs more thought in how it will effect pre-existing developers. Developers will now have to go through hundreds of audio files and either find a suitable replacement or entirely reupload it. Otherwise their games can break or just become completely mute. All of that within a single week too, and sense theres a reupload limit, a lot of developers could run out of slots to upload more audio, and have to wait an entire MONTH just to upload more, even if they’re willing to pay real money for it.

If you have exceeded the month limit, make users able to pay Robux to get more audio in.
Old sounds that are already set public by their owners should remain public. (This one in particular is important, as a lot of games rely on this audio, and can even cause game breaking bugs when the audio is missing. Such as loops that wait on the sound to finish for example.)


Sure, it’s nice that I can now upload 2k audios a month completely free. But this is such an awful update.

This is going to affect so many games, mine included. I now have under two weeks to go through my game and replace ~60 affected audio tracks. Having to go through them all, find replacements etc., is going to be tedious.

If this privacy thing could affect meshes in the future, I’ll have to reupload and re-rig a bunch of character models too.

I’ve tried checking the audios in my game and I’ve noticed a few audios that are 5 seconds long, but are showing as affected by this. Is it 5 seconds or 6 seconds?

Why can’t it be made so that it’s public by default, and if a user wants to make it private, they could? This would stop a ton of games from going silent.

Ontop of all of this, several people have also pointed out that this could allow for more bypassed audios, now that it doesn’t cost anything to upload. An unverified account can make 10 free audios per month, but what’s stopping a bypasser from making several alts to get around this limit?

I’ve seen many other developers speak out about this change, some of whom are even trying to “boycott” the site or “go on strike”. Some have said they’d move to other platforms like Unity.
If my games are going to get more and more broken over time, I might as well move to another platform that won’t break it.