[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

I like the free audio, but these private audio changes are unacceptable, alot of games are going to have no sound, car games especially.

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otherwise no one can change my opinion, this is no longer 2022
but 1984


The big problem here though, is that this affects ALL THE GAMES important aspect, even worse than Battlefield 2048: Audios, and at the same time also affect small developers, audio designers who are limited to 10 audio per month. This is affecting almost everything and I see why everyone’s doing this. I have a big feeling Roblox is going to revert because stonks is going down.

But, good point.

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Great that we have to upload the files on our main and risk a ban every time because of how bad the moderation is.


I think when Roblox are breaking millions of games at the same time,

Ruining multiple custom music gamepasses that combined have brought thousands of dollars for Roblox,

And essentially making any audio uploaded before 2020 lost media,

the community is right to be livid.


US: sanctions Russia
Roblox: sanctions its own developers worldwide while claiming “give more control to developers”


I like Roblox platform and its community a lot, but seriously, I don’t understand why Roblox would do this to developers when the platform itself can’t live without them creating UGC.

Not to mention Roblox constantly deleting licensed audios which developer already has license or permission to upload.

I planned to make an actual rhythm game on Roblox, which apparently relies heavily on audios. It seems impossible to make before Roblox does something now. Now considering other engines.

Anyway, I hope Roblox can work more closely with developers instead of just make these ridiculous changes themselves. They have to change before the conflict escalates further.


Ever since roblox went public, they have been introducing some horrible updates and hardly any good ones. This is probably one of the worst things this company has ever done, and I am interested in how this will fold out. Literally most music from EVERY game will need to be replaced with terrible roblox audio. To say this is terrible is an understatement.


I think the reaction is justified. Yes, it’s harsh, but so is this update, and far more so than the material update. I think this amount of backlash is a good thing, because it will show Roblox just how badly they’ve messed up and will incentivize change. I do believe it’s going to get changed, but I’m not going to risk it by just quieting down and waiting. The more we come at them, the more they’re going to have to listen.


Why can’t it be made so that it’s public by default, and if a user wants to make it private, they could? This would stop a ton of games from going silent.


I fully understood the filtering enabled update which was TRULY needed, but making audios private when the uploader intended them to be public seems silly.

Backwards compatibility is important.


I mean, materials are a pretty good aspect of games too.

I just want everyone to stop losing their marbles and wait a little bit.


would this and audio also affect sending someone an rbxl file that has audio/meshes etc uploaded on it?

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Welcome to how public companies work
They lose their souls to shareholders, they’re legally required too.
If you dont please your shareholders, you can be removed as a CEO. Therefore, becoming public literally removes the soul of a company in exchange for maximizing dividends.


Most games will be broken as they use audio from other people. What about giveing credit and slowing down audio? That did work before. So they gonna remoove that aswell right?


First you say:

and then you contradict yourself:

Is removing access to audios really “giving you control?”

Years of audio that so many people have used is going to waste. Club games, any game with jukeboxes, even my game the Robloxian Movie Theater, can’t function with this update. Making every audio private will ruin most roblox games. I mean, why would you upload your own audio (which used to cost robux) when you could just find it on the library. Have years of uploading music for everyone to use gone to waste? Now, anyone who used previously uploaded audio in their game is being punished because some kids uploaded copyrighted content? Is it that hard to manage? Other platforms know how to weed out copyrighted content, but this one can’t? And, only 2 weeks to fix? You hurt everyone and give them a short 2 weeks to fix it. Yikes.

This update is out of pure laziness. Roblox as a platform would never expand their moderation, so they have to limit the community to avoid trouble. It will exponentially increase the work required to develop a good game. A lot of accounts will probably be terminated, because of the amount of mostly young developers who will unknowingly upload copyrighted assets. This update will have an overall negative effect on the platform.

Get your act together and listen to the community’s criticism. I can guarantee I’m not the only one opposed to this awful update.


…you can just make them public. If anything, it’s better for reasons, including something like public domain issues (if the original uploader, and sound designer of the audio uploaded to Roblox is deceased, their audio should be private).


Roblox, monumental changes like this need months of prior notice. Less than two week’s notice, with thousands of developers fully committed to your platform is egregious.

This has a tremendous impact on every game on the platform. The catalog has always been promoted as a place to find audio for developers’ experiences. That was the whole excitement behind user-generated audio content when you revealed the feature [here].(Explore the Creative Freedom of User-Uploaded Sounds - Roblox Blog)

To backpedal on that after 9 years of promoting the catalog for that purpose, and only giving us less than two weeks notice is astonishingly disappointing and frankly unacceptable. As stated before, thousands of developers committed to your platform full-time, myself included.

And the only alternative you’ve given us is using the audio uploaded by ‘ROBLOX’ themselves or ‘Monstercat’, or by our own groups. I’ve composed music for my own games, uploaded them under my personal account, which is the owner of my group. I’ve since then deleted the session files for those music comps. Why can’t I use my own music under my personal account for my game that’s under my group? This is just another obstacle on top of the already rocky road this initial change is presenting to us developers.

Lastly, finding sound effects or music in the ROBLOX catalog under the titles ‘ROBLOX’ and ‘Monstercat’ is extremely tedious and poorly designed.

I’m trying to find an alarm sound, but I have to check your entire catalog that has no filtering options and individually check each sound piece with extremely vague titles that range from 5 second long jingles to almost 3 minute long entire compositions:

If you’re going to put these changes on us, this needs to be addressed. The current catalog design is NOT suitable enough for us to quickly replace what could-be thousands of sound effects and audio within a less-than 2 week’s time notice. And while some of us are fortunate enough to budget for licensing sound effects packs, majority of developers can not do that.

I respectfully hope you, at the very least, approach this change with a new method. Either allotting more time before these changes take place, giving us a better sound directory to filter for SFX/music, or even better: both.


Yeah this is a completely backwards update, sadly roblox doesnt care so itll just ruin many games


Fair. Think some of us should chill with the disrespectful memes and replies because it makes us come off as rude.

I dont like the update, but I dont hate Roblox for it


Open your eyes, roblox. Listen to the community instead of ignoring us.


But there might be a big chance it isn’t changing. They need to follow the law and settle the 200 million dollar lawsuit.

Either they lose 200 million dollars, or, developers are screwed…