Agreed, it’s blatantly obvious they became even LESS community/developer oriented ever since this happened. The Egg Hunts gone, the pushing for everyone to look like sims, now this audio update. I’m sure I’m forgetting about countless other updates that destroy hours of work in an instant because higher ups don’t think that far ahead.
or just fix their moderation and weed out copyright like every other site instead of screwing us over
This is the best update ever , i like it
its not corporate, roblox partnres & investor wont get anything from it, only the partners that work with new roblox audios, investors will only lose profit, so they will probably change something, and its not related to copyright, roblox is doing good with taking down copyrighted audios
I Agree with this quite alot. Roblox should be working closely with developers instead of going out and forcing out changes for no reason…
Roblox honestly ruined the audio catalog with the royalty free sounds. They didn’t even bother to add a filter to choose between ones uploaded by Roblox and UGC.
Trying it a bit more, it’s probably the filename size. I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere, but by experimenting I found that 54 characters (including extension) is the maximum filename length. Upload works if I trim it under that length.
I too, would like to go through several thousand audio files across multiple accounts to make them public, once again, cleaning up a mess Roblox made for me that isn’t my fault or responsibility!
(if the original uploader, and sound designer of the audio uploaded to Roblox is deceased, their audio should be private).
I don’t really get the deceased argument since it could still happen following this update.
One of the problems people are trying to convey is worth years and years of community based uploading which also includes people who have left the platform (although that could be resolved with the free audio upload feature).
Do you really need to make several thousand audios public? I cannot imagine you would have a need for that - correct me if I’m wrong.
Does anybody know how I’ve gotten a limit of 2,000 instead of 10 or 100? Kinda surprised me. But at least I can make a good use out of it.
EDIT: Also I’ve not dev-ex’d yet.
I have 2k but I haven’t done Dev-Ex. I don’t know why I got 2k, like I said before, but I have 2k.
The update makes no sence. So you arent even allowed to uplaod remixes of 2 youtube videos or whats going on? Will slowed down audio also be taken down? What about giveing credits to roiginal creators? To be onest im cunfused, angry, sad and not happy with this.
Yes because basically those files contain Asset ID’s to the content which still link to the original uploader’s account. You would have to re-upload the content onto your account so you get your own Asset ID to use the very same content. And you would have to do this for both personal games and group games, as it has been mentioned that you can not use the same asset on your profile, for a group project even if you own the group.
Really funny how literally ALL of this could have been avoided had Roblox Moderation been effective from the very beginning. It’s not our fault that Roblox Moderation team members approved content uploaded to the platform that should have been removed for copyright violations.
So many approved content clearly uploaded illegally but allowed anyway, and it got out of hand so much that they are resorting to just simply make everything private regardless if the content has been approved for public or individual use or not.
I swear bro the guy who posted it must have immediately muted the thread so he didn’t get notifications, also so he didn’t have to look at our complaints because he KNEW this was going to backfire.
So, another change Roblox. However, you didn’t do bad. In fact the opposite. You are finally helping developers. First the badges were free and now the audio!!! You can make me happy sometimes Roblox. For another time, I am happy.
Thanks Roblox
How did I end up being able to upload 2000 Audios a month? I mean, I’m not complaining, but that’s a surprising change.
This is a perfect example of Roblox releasing unfinished updates.
Private audio is a positive change for sure, but retroactively making every previously uploaded audio private just doesn’t seem like the way to go. Would it not make more sense that all audio uploaded in the past, with the expectation that it would be public, should remain public, and if the uploader wants them to be private they can set it so themselves?
Because now we run into the issue of thousands upon thousands of audios that were uploaded by long since inactive users who will not be getting online to set their audios to public, negatively impacting countless games. I would imagine the number of people who have had their audio used against their will is much smaller than those who have uploaded theirs with the expectation that it would remain freely available to use on the platform with no intervention required on their end.