[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

This is a perfect example of Roblox releasing unfinished updates.


Private audio is a positive change for sure, but retroactively making every previously uploaded audio private just doesnā€™t seem like the way to go. Would it not make more sense that all audio uploaded in the past, with the expectation that it would be public, should remain public, and if the uploader wants them to be private they can set it so themselves?

Because now we run into the issue of thousands upon thousands of audios that were uploaded by long since inactive users who will not be getting online to set their audios to public, negatively impacting countless games. I would imagine the number of people who have had their audio used against their will is much smaller than those who have uploaded theirs with the expectation that it would remain freely available to use on the platform with no intervention required on their end.


Thatā€™s absurd. The community on this forum has become as snobby as the photography community - can you at least read the announcement before hating on it?

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If youā€™ve seen some of the tweets, yes, there are users losing several hundred or even thousands of audio files to this, which is a ridiculous undertaking to fix in general, and outrageous in only 2 weeks.

My group relies on uploading models and morphs to a group and then inserting them in each-otherā€™s personal and group games. A lot of the sounds we use are either publicly available or uploaded to our own personal inventories. There is literally no way to go about fixing this unless we migrate every single game onto the group, which would be another massive undertaking, and then also reupload every sound used across hundreds of models and morphs. Bare in mind, I can only upload 10 audios per month. To fix just one of those morphs would take me quite literally over 3 months. I checked last night, and thatā€™s only to get it working on my PERSONAL games, not the group or other peopleā€™s games.

We also canā€™t even make these audios public again for an unspecified amount of time because Roblox has apparently indefinitely postponed the ability to do that with no estimated date for when we can.

My case is circumstantial compared to others, but itā€™s arguably even harder to account for. The whole update is ridiculous and full of nonsense like this. Itā€™s no wonder why thereā€™s a developer strike ongoing on Twitter, and why so many people are outraged. The Devforums already pretty much crashed from this singular thread, I think itā€™s safe to say this needs change more than any other update ever has.


If 2000 free audios per month is true, then this is a really, really crazy epic update(i mean very nice) But I am curious about this condition. If already have signed up on the developer forum, do get 2000 hours? or what?

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Oh boy, it seems like thereā€™s been a humungous update relevant to Audios here so I suppose itā€™s time to delve deeper into it

With all due respect looking at the beginning of the Update, itā€™s not that good on the low end for us developers mainly because we use Sounds for so much things that itā€™s just unbelievable

Starting with the first one here:

So that means, if I upload a Sound that is > 6 seconds, itā€™s automatically set to be private? Why though? By default in the past, Sounds were already set to be private if you want to call it that, the moment you started to upload them approved by the copyright system (With your Inventory Settings set to ā€œOffā€), so even then you could use them without anyone else using their Audio

All of us have our reasons to upload our Audios in the first place, this change will not only remove the MAJORITY of Sounds made by other people that are not the original uploader, but it would make so much more unnecessary work for us as well

Examples I can provide:

As much as I like this, I sincerely cannot be honest about it

There will be tons more Audios that will be uploaded by mostly Bots that are just either a bunch of sped up static, or something else (And the fact that you can manage to upload 100 per month via a verified ID is just ridiculous)

Iā€™ve probably only seen a few Sounds that have been sped up in the Creator Marketplace (And even to this day theyā€™re still not taken down yet), adding this change would just make it worse unfortunately cause Iā€™d assume that Bots would easily exploit this in a heartbeat

Iā€™m gonna be straightforward honest, Iā€™m pretty sure that 90% of Developers donā€™t even use the Audios provided by the ROBLOX community (And we have our reasons for it as well)

Monstercat is an exception Iā€™m willing to take, but the issue here is that we want to use our own Audios that we want to upload that feel appropriate to the theme, setting, and plot of what us, as players want to feel

DtS is one example that uses the Audioā€™s lyrics in Wave 10 to examine how intense the setting feels, on having to defend against a wide variety of Enemies while they keep coming nonstop

And please donā€™t me started on the Audio Marketplace, I literally just want to try and search for a unique & nice song, but instead I get something like this that just spams the Market:

Unless if this change gets reverted, Iā€™m pretty sure every Developer here is going to be outright furious with the main reason why they canā€™t use their Audios uploaded by someone else


Seriously consider about this ROBLOX, youā€™re fighting against the majority of this community on verging the edge of 2 sides here

Itā€™s hard enough having to deal with uploading Audios that we find enjoyable and everyone else, but adding this Audio Update in relation as well is not gonna make us happy as a community altogether for the main reasons:

  • Audio > 6s of duration will be automatically private
  • Audios that other Developers use to fit the perfect tune will no longer be of use (Rhythm Games for example)
  • Free Audio that can be easily bypassed (Especially if you have a Valid ID)
  • The countless amounts of licensed ROBLOX Audios in the Marketplace (Seriously)
  • (This is just an assumption) Members will literally do anything to bypass this change if it gets implemented

Canā€™t wait for the ā€œFollow up by Robloxā€ lol


you get up to 2000 uploads. I think

2000 seems to be something random people are getting, most people are getting 10 or 100.

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Iā€™m not against the backlash exactly. I just want people to stop harassing Roblox and start making constrictive criticism.


This seems like a good change for roblox, especially the new free audio, but Iā€™m slightly worried about a possible abuse of this feature, which may result in even more copyrighted content being posted. A lot of audios are also going to have to be moved and thisā€™ll disrupt a lot of games for a while.

Were the people who made this update insane? Are they alright?


By all serious mean. Please just being able to private or own audio if we want to. Privating all of that audios under the update condition? what where you all thinking offical roblox developing team. This is littery giant disaster for our devs community, taking away permission is quite unfair even tho we know you own the platform.

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Thereā€™s no big change they can really make other than different limits for how much you can upload each month. This is all due to a lawsuit, so the chances of the full brunt of the update being reverted would require big music companies to actually care(impossible)

If this update comes in it will probably be my end with this platform. I canā€™t imagine 120 sounds/year limit.

Fair enough, but if the audios are private they should still be able to be used in your own experiences? (if I understood correctly)

They are insane, and no, theyā€™re not alright.

By the way, happy 1.7k replies everyone!

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Constructive criticism? Literally every game that uses music uploaded from someone else will now be removed. Thereā€™s nothing to have a civil debate about. This is plain bad. Iā€™m sure Roblox doesnā€™t really have a choice here but they couldā€™ve at least given developers more time and also gave a solution for the fact that every game that is inactive or has a terminated developer, will now be SILENT.

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Why? Should everyone conform to one ā€œapprovedā€ message of the State?

As shown above, the problem here also boils down to the people who still mistakenly place their faith in a corporation, something that has historically been shown to be wrong time and time again - they will NOT work in or for your interests, they will work towards their interests.

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I have to admit, allowing private audio resources is a nice move, but why not finish the whole thing before releasing the change? Forcing all audios private just makes no sense.

Normally even music composers(mostly music for rhythm games) I know are quite tolerant about permission to use their works in game projects and allow them to be used for free in non-profit games. Itā€™s just ridiculous that Roblox is going to limit the use even more strict than composers.