Add a Camera Sensitivity feature for Mobile

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to move the camera for some people but there not a feature to change the Sensitivity on mobile

If Roblox is able to address this issue, Probably Would Solve Some Problems That I’ve Seen on roblox. like Slow Sensitivity in Some Roblox Games


Support, I find the sensitivity of the mobile client too high compared to other mobile games. We already have mouse sensitivity on PC, so an identical option for mobile sensitivity would be great.


I do support this idea for mobile.

Having a Camera Sensitivity would be very nice for mobile users instead of having the default sensitivity for all mobile devices which is either 0.68 or 1. This could benefit mobile users in FPS games or in obbies that can benefit them a bit in the game, hope this can be the same as the one on PCs.



This feature is really needed to make sensitivity manipulation easier.
In the meantime, I found a way to change the sensitivity of the camera without forking the camera script by overwriting a function that computes the camera rotation:

local SENSITIVITY = 0.1

local CameraInput = require(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.PlayerModule.CameraModule.CameraInput)
local OriginalFunction = CameraInput.getRotation

function CameraInput.getRotation(...)
	return OriginalFunction(...)*SENSITIVITY

However, it changes the sensitivity for all input types. Not just touchscreen inputs.


You’re able to see if someone has a Touch Enabled device or not using UserInputService, it allows you to get the TouchEnabled Boolean (true/false) and you can put it all in a if statement


That’s true.
I guess an even better approach would be to listen to the LastInputType and apply the sensitivity according to whether it was a touch input type or not.
Although I noticed in that rotation function that it adds all input types related to moving the camera together. I guess it was done in case someone rotates the camera using, for example, finger + mouse + keyboard at the same time somehow, but I doubt anyone even does that.


This already exists if you connect a Bluetooth controller to the mobile device. But it would only affect the camera moved by the controller. So yeah it’s just useless technically