Add a New UICorner Property (SamplingMethod) to Switch Between Pixel-Precision & Simple Sampling


As a Roblox UI designer, it is currently difficult to use UICorner on a large scale because of the mandatory pixel-precision sampling of rounded objects.

Most times, buttons are relatively small to have a visible difference in pixel accuracy when hovering, clicking, etc.

My response to the main thread:

I see many people being worried or hesitant of using this modern rounding feature. UICorner is a much better alternative to 9-slice ImageLabels as it allows you to use Scale as the corner radius, is dynamic, and HD/scalable. But, the only bummer is the performance impact when used en masse.

Therefore, I propose an Enum property for UICorner objects called SamplingMethod with two options:

  • PixelPrecision - default
  • Simple - simple rectangular bounds like with 9-slice

If this was added, it’d improve my development experience because I can confidently use UICorners, without having to have 9-slice ready as a backup plan. Sometimes, say with large, circular buttons, pixel-precision may be necessary, while other times, it’s not. Therefore, dynamically being able to choose via a property would minimize the performance impact while still having the accurate option when needed.

Thank you.


This would be incredibly useful for optimizing and improving performance in games.

In this picture, pixel-precision would be needed for the top set of buttons, but not for the bottom set. It seems like a waste of resources to calculate mouse input for smaller corners, like the ones on the bottom, where it isn’t really needed and disabling it would improve performance.