Add a seperate color property for ScrollingFrames' track

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to color ScrollingFrames so that the elements stand out from one another. This is primarily because the BackgroundColor3 property affects both the Canvas and the ScrollBar’s track. This makes it so that in order to make the track stand out from the canvas, you have to either cover the entire canvas with something, make the background of the canvas transparent (the same thing, really), or simply live with it.

If Roblox added a Color3 property specifically for the ScrollBar lane, it would help me as a developer make GUIs that were more intuitive and looked better. Nowhere in modern designs are the scroll lane and the background the same color, and having to deal with the way things are at the moment is a hurdle for good design.

I ran into this issue recently because I was trying to make a GUI for a plugin that looked nice and fit in with the overall aesthetic of Studio, but I had to put a Frame behind the ScrollingFrame so that I could adjust the backgrounds separately. This took less than a minute, but it seems like an unnecessary hindrance to development.


Mucho support
