Add additional mouse button UserInputType enums

Most modern games allow you to bind actions to additional side mouse buttons. This would also be useful in Roblox; for example, my game consists of 2 primary actions bound to Q and E which I could also bind to extra mouse buttons for a better experience. In general, it would make common actions quicker if the player has such a mouse (e.g chat, menu, reload).

I believe something along the lines of MouseButton4 and MouseButton5 would be useful additions to the UserInputType enum.


Support. I tried to bind these while playing Strucid only to find out that Roblox does not support them.


Adding Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton4 and Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton5 to map to 2 side buttons on a mouse would be ideal

Support. I have these buttons on my mouse and honestly it would be great to be able to have shortcuts on them.

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arent these buttons programmable usually, my side buttons are programmed to normal keyboard shortcuts and keys, this would probably break the functionality