Add ammo system to Weapons Kit

Well, I think it’s better not to have unnecessary audio
But you are more experienced than me and you know better things
If you can change the sounds later and remove the unnecessary time and sound (just by changing the sound) it is good
I look for better sounds and replace them


Well i meant like if you are using different reload audio, rather than the original reload audio from the roblox Weapons Kit, then you should beware of what audio you are choosing, because sometimes that audio you are choosing MIGHT have empty audio left after the reloading sound is already done playing.
Hopefully this makes sense


Oh ok thank you
From now on, I will pay attention to this


I will be sending the whole Ammo System and Reloading System soon today. Its been long enough, and i think its time today i send both Ammo System and Reloading System COMPLETED version


Ok, thank you for all the hard work you have put in these few days :green_heart:


I have a request for you :sweat_smile:
I do not know how hard this system may be but
If you are careful, when you bring one of the Weapons Kit weapons into your game, your mouse automatically locks in the middle (same as shift lock).
I want the mouse to be in the middle and locked when possible when the gun is active
And when it was inactive, the mouse could be moved and not locked in the middle of the screen

If this system was not difficult for you and was applicable
I ask you to add this as well
Thankful :green_heart:


There is a modified Weapons Kit that fixes the shoulder camera. When the gun is equipped, the shoulder cam (mouse lock) will be enabled, and when gun is unequipped, it removes shoulder camera. Check out this link and follow the instructions:
Weapons Kit: Shoulder Camera
You have to download the RBXM file that is given in the post above, it will include the modified WeaponSystem folder. Place the WeaponSystem folder inside of ReplicatedStorage, and delete the rest of the weaponsystem folders that came along with the weapon tools


Unfortunately, still couldn’t send the ammo system and reload system today. I found a new bug which really needs to be fixed. I cant explain since you dont know whats happening.
I truly apologize again for the long long wait.


AMAZING NEWS!!! I FINALLY fixed most of the bugs in the reload system, and finished everything else! I made a small modification in the Weapons Kit for this to really work.
There is, however, one single bug, where when you press R when you have no ammo to reload left (LimitedAmmo), it still plays the reload animation and reload sound, but does not reload the gun (thanks to my modification in the weapons kit).
The main problem isn’t necessarily the reloading animation and sound playing, its when you are not able to shoot to gun when you press R with 0 ammo left to reload.

I was wondering if you want the bug fixed or if you’re fine with it. It isn’t a big or serious problem, and there is a VERY low chance of impact on a player. If you are fine with it, then i am pretty much done FOR SURE this time. Otherwise, i need to modify the Weapons Kit more to fix this issue. Maybe I can fix the issue later on after i send full Ammo System and Reload System.

Now all that’s left for me is to make the system Fully Customizable by just changing some int values and number values, without having to change anything in the script to make things easier and less confusing for you. I have already done this, just have to do a little more code for it and everything will be good to go. AND I AM SURE THERE IS NO OTHER BUGS


Thank you for your efforts
No, this can not be a problem
And it can even look like a real weapon (you remember you do not have an ammo but you change the ammunition!)


Here is a Full Preview video of both the Ammo System and the Reloading System. Please dont mind the quality and the lag, i dont have a proper screen recorder, so i decided to use the roblox screen recorder (I recorded this in Studio):

And here is the video with the bug I was saying above, where you can still press R to play the animation and sound, but thankfully not the gun:

(Btw the videos ive given are unlisted, only people with the link can see this video)

And here is a picture of what you can customize yourself (some cannot be customized freely):


Hey, this is fantastic
Everything is exactly as I wanted it to be
Um, just a tip
Is it possible to set the Ammo box to fill only the ammunition of a particular weapon?


It is obviously possible, and I did have a good idea for that. But it would require more wait for both systems to arrive. What would you say?


Well, this system is needed for my game, and in fact I need it
Thank you, you always help


Just a little question: Do you want the LimitedAmmo (the value that displays how much ammo left to use) to update right when a player presses R, or only update when the Gun is loaded.

I think it would be better if we update the LimitedAmmo value right after a player presses R to reload because i figured sometimes (with an automatic or submachine weapon), while you are reloading and keeping the mouse button down, the LimitedAmmo value subtracts more than what it was meant to subtract (by 1 or 2 ammo) after reload. This is an understandable bug (obviously not a serious bug), and the only solution i can provide is to update the limited ammo right after players press R.

I may be asking too much, but all i need is clarification to continue really.
For now, I will be making it when player presses R, the LimitedAmmo updates right away.


Yes, I think like you
Ammunition must be updated when the player presses the R button


Thanks for your help
It helped me a lot
But one question
Is this the end of the work or is it still going on?
Because we said above that you can put ammunition in your backpack and use weapons (like Battle Royale games where you have to collect ammunition and weapons separately first)


This is not the end of the work. I just need a little break though, maybe a few days. I will be thinking about how i will make ammo collection and weapon collection separately, so dont worry. Just use the ammo boxes above for now. If i have a good idea for the ammunition and weapons system (like battle royal games), i will reply back.

And you are welcome!


HI! Where is the Ammo System and the Reloading System?


waiting for it too man, I hope it comes in some time!

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