Add an official workaround for composite texture issues on humanoid models

Currently, textures on a humanoid model are composited into a single image with a small amount of space reserved for the head, which is intended to be used for the face. This is perfectly fine for most things, but on a model that uses textured meshes for any of the main body parts, especially the head, it can get a little…well, I’ll let these images speak for themselves:

Ugly low-res texture face


It’s supposed to look like this:
also yes this is for a furry game please don’t judge

Because of this, as a Roblox developer, it is hard to make custom character models with decent-quality textures, especially on the head. While there are workarounds, they ultimately complicate the whole process quite a lot.

If Roblox were to address this issue and add an option to not use composite textures, perhaps in the form of a check-mark inside the humanoid, then developers like me working on games with custom models for the player or npcs would be able to make better-looking models more easily at the possible cost of slower load time, which itself can be addressed by the individual developer just as any other potential lag-causer would be.

I already happen to be addressing potential lag from all the textures by using the same texture for multiple parts of the body–the texture for the head on my model already shares space with the jaw and teeth, which certainly didn’t help it much!


Huge support; It’s perfectly fine (especially for roleplay games), for there to be increased load times for higher resolution textures.


Support! Also that character is adorable!

