Add Cloth physics/rendering to engine

As a current Roblox developer, it is too hard to create realistic games without a lot of math being involved. The science behind this is not something I’ve researched and may be possible with custom rigging / animation or math. However, doing this much work for an object of this type, when it may not even work in theory, is pointless in my mind’s eye-especially when many wouldn’t even know where to start.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because of the ability to add realism (or a realistic feature) into games. It would also permit more creativity and better content on Roblox as a whole. Alongside that, some cool creations could be made: banners, 3D UI elements, new physics simulations, uniforms/armor, etc.

Object in Question:
The cloth object. As far as I know, it’s on the Unity Engine (Unity - Manual: Cloth). I would love to see it on Roblox as well because it truly is just a great item to have.

Some Examples of the Cloth Object in other Game Engines:



AxisAngle’s Cloth Simulation Code:

If this would be considered, that’d be great. Other than that, thanks for reading.