Add descriptions and ID of a purchase from a prompt to prevent creators from scamming players

Hello I’m Ryxku and I would like to suggest that Roblox adds extra clarifications when you’re attempting to buy something.
Nowadays, some unknown devs create traps which don’t break the TOS to fool players and steal robux impacting on Roblox’s image and popularity.
For example, on this image, a famous game (Has more than 500 playings) is selling this thing :

My first question would be, what is this? Is it a gamepass? A roblox accessory? A dev product? A bundle?
You’re tempted to buy it because this game gives the impression of selling a character you can have, since the character in the game is identical to the one that appears in the purchase prompt.

That’s what I call a clever, hidden scam. Because this game doesn’t display this gamepass in its store on the web page. This gamepass was created through another experiment.

This scam would be avoided for many players if we could identify :

  • The asset ID of what they’re selling
  • The type of product
  • The description of the product (if it’s a gamepass or accessory)
  • The thumb up/down ratio if there’s one.

Why am I talking about it now? Because it’s a double problem for me. First, this game doesn’t have permission to use my assets, because yes, the bundle plant belongs to me, and the right manager is ineffective at stopping this kind of experiment, because you can’t dmca the creators’ gamepass.


I don’t think Roblox will care, because it will effect the money the company profits. And unfortunately the most important thing for Roblox is money. Personally I don’t think they will listen to you.

I don’t think Roblox’s reasoning can be summed up by money alone. Children safety matter.

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I do agree with that. They do care about children safety, but that is likely because they don’t want to hurt their image for parents, so they don’t lose the younger player base, and don’t lose profit.

Displaying the Id product + Item type shouldn’t be a problem for Roblox.

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