Add Guilded to allowed Social Links sites

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to direct players to our Guilded community. It would be great for us to be able to add our Guilded server to our game/group’s Social Links.

My favorite thing about Guilded is that it functions like a website for your game’s community. For example, anyone can navigate to and view our announcements as well as public forum posts, media and documents created by our application-required community of Guilded members-- all without having to download an app or register for an account. In fact, every individual public thread/media/document on our Guilded site can be shared as a public link.

We love this functionality which is completely absent from Discord and want to be able to direct our Roblox players there! If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because more players would be able to access and engage with our community and the development team.


There’s a lot of great things about Guilded and the platform has a lot of promise. I definitely want to be able to link to Guilded communities under social links, but don’t think that’s enough to be able to pull the full potential of what’s on the table. Off the top of my head, the ability to link directly to announcements involving updates or other news for users to see would be amazing, but currently no functionality exists on Roblox to link to them without going against the rules. On top of that, there’s no good way to make announcements to our communities within Roblox.

Better tools to announce updates could obviously be implemented directly into Roblox, but I would much rather just have announcements in one place on Guilded. Referring eligible users to view the announcement there would simplify things as well as raise the chances of them getting more involved with a community. Implementing a better announcements feature to Roblox would not cover all the perks that linking to Guilded community announcements would.

It’s not just announcements either, things that would be nice to link directly to rather than just the general community are:

  • Community polls
  • Community surveys
  • Notable forum posts

And no doubt there could be more cases than just that.


Our teams are actively working on allowing Guilded as Social Links, watch this space!

In the mean-time, we’ve collaborated with the Guilded team to put Roblox as an official connection on the Guilded app. Users can link up their Roblox account via Guilded’s settings and have it show up on their profile / user card on Guilded:


Hey everyone!

Quick update, this feature is now complete! You can now add links to Guilded on your Profile, Groups and Experiences! Doing this will add a Guilded badge to these pages that links directly to your Guilded profile.

Adding a badge to your profile can be done from the Account Info Settings. You can add a badge to Experiences or Groups from the Social Link settings. Let us know if you have any questions or feedback.


Somewhat loosely related since the original feature request is for Social Links, but might there be an opportunity for moderation outreach about Guilded links being allowed on the Roblox website as a result of this? The Community Guidelines do not presently include Guilded as an allowed link:

25. Directing Users Off-Platform
When using Roblox, you may not link to any external websites or services, except for: YouTube, Facebook, Discord, Twitter, and Twitch.

If we now have Guilded support for Social Links (hooray!), then ideally it should also count as a whitelisted link. Putting actual Guilded links on the Roblox website may be a different story that requires more discussion before letting that happen much like Twitter links are fine but at the very least an update to policy to reflect Guilded support would be nice. :pray:


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