Add the ability to get timings of KeyframeMarkers

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to find the times at which a keyframe marker occurs in an animation.
This is weird because we can find the times of named keyframes, but not the keyframe markers. I currently need this feature so that I can allow the server to fire events for animations without actually running the animation itself (which would cause a weird stutter effect for the user).

This could easily be solved by the addition of AnimationTrack:GetTimeOfKeyframeMarker(marker_name), which returns the times (in order) of the markers with the same name.

Also, it should be better specified in documentation what the difference is between a “Keyframe Name” and a “Keyframe Marker name”, as it is really confusing.


Reviving this post because I think it’s still relevant today and has use cases. I’m trying to tween UI elements to animations that have startup, active, and recovery phases so not the entirety of the animation should be accounted for when tweening these elements. Right now, I’ve resorted to loading the animation, playing it, then recording when the KeyframeMarkerReached signal fires to get the time which isn’t the most efficient way to do this.