Add the ability to see the price an asset was sold for in PromptPurchaseFinished

I have a game (starving artists) that relies heavily on in-experience asset (shirt/gamepass) sales. The game tracks the price of the asset at the time it’s sold. However, players can “glitch” that system by quickly changing the price of the asset as the transaction is processed. I’d like the actual price for which the asset was sold to be passed in events such as PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished and PromptPurchaseFinished.



Bump. Games like these shouldn’t need to have hundreds of hacky security checks just to stop exploiters from making fake donations. Plus, it’d be soo easy to add as a parameter of the purchase finished events.

If games such as PLS DONATE didn’t have patches for this, I’m sure Roblox would’ve already added this in a while ago to prevent profit loss.


100% Agree! We need this!
I’m the Owner of PLS BUY ME and I know that all the Donations games are having that same problem!!


While this would be a neat solution for the donation exploits, I believe this is still a waste of Roblox resources. The current state of Roblox Studio already provides enough tools for stuff like this and it wouldn’t make sense changing this feature for a few donation games.

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Trust me, PLS DONATE is the only game that has implemented a proper patch to your immaturity. Other, smaller games are suffering because of Roblox’s lack of resources and general ignorance in this area.


Yes, absolutely! This is a must-have feature for donation games!

I’m the creator of PLS WAIT, and if you’re not aware, security checks, and making sure transactions are legitimate (have been bought for the expected amount) in donation games are an absolute nightmare, and truthfully, there is no perfect fix for it.

Adding this would be trivial, a perfect fix for our problems, and would save on the immense amount of resources that these types of games are using to implement insane workarounds to prevent exploits.

Please make this happen! :heart:


Bump. Has anyone found a solid solution to this problem? Right now I’m checking productinfo before and after the prompt which is not ideal at all