Add the missing Easing Styles for animations

Currently, Roblox only supports 5 out of the 11 existing easing styles for animations:
This is greatly limiting for animators, but also makes animation assets a lot more expensive.

A widely-used tool by animators, Moon Animator, ‘implements’ additional easing styles such as Sine by manually adding extra in-between keyframes to imitate the easing style’s behavior. This causes a huge increase in the asset’s final size, leading to longer loading times & in-game memory size. Here is an example of how an animation looks from Moon Animator, and when imported into Roblox’s animation editor:

If Roblox could implement the missing easing styles (e.g. Sine), it would greatly help with optimizing animation assets and simplifying the workflow.


This is something that doesn’t make much sense to me why it’s not implemented. I don’t see how it’s a development challenge given that the infrastructure is already there for animation easing styles and these other easing styles already exist elsewhere on the Roblox platform.

Huge bump, Roblox please consider this as a priority. I can’t imagine it’s more than a few hours of work to implement.

if moon animator can do that, so can roblox.

Roblox has added the “Optimize Keyframes” option specifically for Moon animator exports, I believe. Usually before saving a Moon animation I use the optimize keyframes button to cut down about 80% of the keyframes.

This, however, obviously has the cost of decimating quality in more detailed animations. Default support for these new easing styles could allow for Moon animator to even export with simpler keyframes, instead of a keyframe per frame method.

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