Add the option to disable "auto-emoji" (emoticon to emoji conversion)

While making posts on the DevForum I often find myself using emoticon such as “:)”, “:P”, “:D”, “:O” etc to not make the post “feel mean” or “lifeless”;

On the DevForum these get automatically converted into emojis, and you CANNOT do anything about it without it being hacky. Like 0 space characters, and stuff like that. On Discord for instance, you can go on settings and disable this, which I do on every platform that I find available.

You have to go through either, making it a line of code like this: :), or similar, 0 space characters, you name it.
Emojis don’t look good, and they make the entire feeling of professionalism on a post go downhill.


You shoudn’t be using Discord Webhooks to log join and leave. Discord can ban you because of that, it also mostly doesn’t have much of an use. :stuck_out_tongue:

Compared to


On this post incapaz mentioned this:

That could help the forum team implement said feature.
For now I just wait, or don’t I guess. I feel like this conversion, shoudn’t happen on a forum like the devforum, it doesn’t feel right;

Anyways that’s what I have to say for this feature request;


I think the reason why there isn’t such feature to enable/disable this option by yourself is that Discourse itself doesn’t have it. If they change it trough the forum settings it will probably bother some other people who do like emojis and now would need to use some other hacky methods to add their emojis to the posts.


I agree this is pretty annoying. Even with auto-emoji conversion on most other sites, you can just choose to escape it, but Discourse ignores escapes for whatever reason. (That is, \:\) becomes :slight_smile: ). That behavior seems like a bug more than a feature, though.


It’s not hacky, because essentially it’s just selecting emojis from here:


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Well, I didn’t remembered that. Then hopefully this gets changed

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If being professional is a concern you should write your post without emoji (“:P” makes your post look like it was made by a child). The current setting makes a lot more sense for most people.


There’s reasons for me to use them. I don’t like over-using them. Why is it a problem to have an option?


So you’re saying that writing a smiley face without the emoji is unprofessional…? I’ve seen many adults use those text emojis rather than this :grinning:. I’d prefer to have an option as I feel text emojis stand out a lot more.


The main thing I was pointing out is that your argument for wanting this feature makes no sense.


Yes, as buildthomas said, you want auto emojis to be disabled because of professionalism, if you want to be professional, don’t use emojis/faces at all.

And your line here, if the post contains lots of information and correct wording, it won’t feel mean or lifeless.


Perhaps a “better” justification is that the emoticons convey a different feeling than modern emojis? Due to lack of color, they are more subtle. Due to the fact that the early internet didn’t have the Unicode Emoji system, emoticons evoke a retro, or more innocent feeling. It could be any other equally valid reason suited to the speaker. The point of emojis of all sorts are to convey the speaker’s emotion through a medium of communication where those conversing cannot see each other’s body language. Additionally, it makes sense for communication technology to be “backwards-compatible.” If a user of the forum years ago could combine a colon and parenthesis to form a primitive emoticon smile, would it not make sense for me in 2024 to be able to do the same? This, in my mind, is sufficient reason to simply allow for the auto-conversion to be toggled.

As the behavior seems to be built into Discourse’s platform, I’ll assume for now that nothing can be done by Roblox’s team, but this is because I lack understanding on which aspects of the forum’s behaviors the Roblox staff members can and cannot interfere with…


You could type this <space>:<return>)<return> but it only works on a post.

When used: :)