Adding arms in FP view


Games like “Evade” and “Untilted tag game” are all locked in first person view. However they show arms on the bottom of the screen when running. This isn’t just achieved by making the player character visible in first person view. It’s manipulated somehow but I’m unaware of how I can do this. Does anyone know?


The basic version of to how achieve this to locally attach the arms to the camera and animate them there.

Just take an R6 rig, turn off collision and make everything but the arms transparent.
Set the torso’s CFrame to the Camera’s and play animations on that rig


(Edit - You should lengthen the arms so that they go all the way off screen instead of being able to see the back of the arm)

You can also try using WorldModels or viewports

Change the transparencyModifier by a localscript, this is what controls the transparency of the characters’ rigged parts.
Example Script:

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local char = plr.Character

local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

local listObj = {
	"Right Arm",
	"Left Arm"


for _, rigged_part in pairs(listObj) do
	local area = char:WaitForChild(rigged_part)
	area.LocalTransparencyModifier = 0
		area.LocalTransparencyModifier = 0

I recommend putting this script in StarterCharacterScripts. You might have to change the string values or add more if you want the player to see more of their character in first person view.
NOTE: R6 and R15 have different rigged parts:

  • Make sure to adjust the script variable “listObj” accordingly, I hope this helps!
    You can also use viewmodels as well instead.
    Edit: I just realized blueblox has the post with TransparencyModifier so I would look at his post.