Hello, I am wanting to make a game such as No Mans Sky and Minecraft. However, I am unsure on how I can add custom structures into Perlin Noise.
What do you want to achieve?
I want to make a Perlin Noise Terrain generator with, custom structures.
What is the issue?
I do not know how to implement custom structures into Perlin Noise.
What solutions have you tried so far?
I have asked in Discords and searched on the Dev Hub and YouTube.
Structures that need to be added:
local function fibonacci_spiral_sphere(num_points)
local vectors = {}
local gr = (math.sqrt(5) + 1) / 2
local ga = (2 - gr) * (2 * math.pi)
for i = 1, num_points do
local lat = math.asin(-1 + 2 * i / (num_points + 1))
local lon = ga * i
local x = math.cos(lon) * math.cos(lat)
local y = math.sin(lon) * math.cos(lat)
local z = math.sin(lat)
table.insert(vectors, Vector3.new(x, y, z))
return vectors
local radius = 10
local ref = Instance.new("Part")
ref.Anchored = true
ref.Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
local vec = fibonacci_spiral_sphere(1024)
for _, v in ipairs(vec) do
local part = ref:Clone()
part.CFrame = CFrame.new(v.Unit * radius)
part.Parent = workspace
So, can anyone help me to add to my generator custom structures?
A probably crude way is to separate the factors that determine how the terrain is generated.
You can generate the base terrain via some noise function using the X, Y, and Z components, but then have separate components, lets say W; which can represent other data.
Lets say W represents our chance for structures to spawn in a given area. We could generate a noise value for W and then compare that number to some other number to determine whether a custom building should be placed.
A probably bad code example:
local function PerlinXYZ(X, Y, Z)
--// Do magic to return terrain info with XYZ
local function GenerateTerrain(X, Y, Z, W)
--// blah blah generate terrain at XYZ
if (W > .95) then
for X = 0, ... do
for Y = 0, ... do
for Z = 0, ... do
local _X, _Y, _Z = PerlinXYZ(X, Y, Z)
local W = Noise(0, 1)
GenerateTerrain(_X, _Y, _Z, W)