Adornment AlwaysOnTop is behaving incorrectly

I expect AlwaysOnTop to also control if the adornment is always visible whether or not its geometry is occluded (which is how AlwaysOnTop works in the rest of the engine). However, it does not do this – as you can see in the screenshot, I am using a cube-shaped Box handle adornment but it’s partially occluded by the Baseplate regardless of the AlwaysOnTop property.

There is also a related lighting issue, which is that it seems like AlwaysOnTop is doing something different than what it usually does. When AlwaysOnTop=true, the color gets a lot brighter than what is specified by the Color Property, and with high value colors it has bloom. This is confusing because AlwaysOnTop=true is usually about removing all extra lighting-related effects, but in this case it’s adding them. Sp when AlwaysOnTop=false, the adornment’s displayed color is often closer to its Color property.

This is a problem with all the adornments as far as I am aware.

Box on the left has AlwaysOnTop=false, box on the right has AlwaysOnTop = true. Color used in this screenshot is 0,0,255.

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Found someone to take a look! Thanks for the report.

Thanks for your report! Could you also please attach a placefile so it would be easier for us to reproduce exactly what you see.

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adornments_bug.rbxl (49.7 KB)

Thanks for the repro file. In your file, the BoxHandleAdornments have a ZIndex value of -1. Per the HandleAdornment specs, HandleAdornment | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub, if the ZIndex is set to -1, the AlwaysOnTop property is essentially ignored. I get that this is kinda confusing, since the ZIndex for HandleAdornments is set to -1 by default.
Here is a picture of your placefile but with the ZIndex values set to 0. As you can see the AlwaysOnTop-ness and lighting work as expected.

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Okay, thanks. I suppose that default value is the real problem here then.