Advanced particle tutorial

Hey guys :grin: !

I’m here to introduce a custom particle emitter behaviour, so I made a tutorial just for you !

I recorded a tutorial video (the first video), and exemples (second video).

First Video that explain how I created the chimney smoke from my SP00KY HOUSE !!

Texture I used to create the smoke effect: rbxasset://textures/particles/

  1. Insert a “ParticleEmitter” object into a brick

  2. Resize the brick: Brick.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)

  3. Set a rate of 500 (which is the max) on the “ParticleEmitter” object

  4. Set the lifetime to a normal value, not a range. like [10] and not [10, 15]

  5. The Texture I used to create the smoke effect: rbxasset://textures/particles/ or try something else that is transparent like multiple dots.

  6. Play with “ParticleEmitter’s speed” and “ParticleEmitter’s RotSpeed”. The RotSpeed kinda create the 3D effect

  7. I share the 3 lines of code to animate the smoke:

while wait(math.random(10, 20)/10) do
script.Parent.ParticleEmitter.Acceleration =, 10)/100, math.random(-50, 50)/100, math.random(-60, 60)/100)
  1. Enjoy !

Thanks, I hope this’ll be helpfull :DDD
Me luv ya all :] .



Pro tip, I’ve been playing with these a ton for the past month or so and the trick to making neat effects like these is to have your image off-center. Symmetry should be avoided too. Then you’re not restricted to dots.


Very nice!

Regarding that last video, how did you get the Studio UI to overlay transparently?


[quote] Very nice!

Regarding that last video, how did you get the Studio UI to overlay transparently? [/quote]

Oh I was streaming so thats my XSplit setup:


Even random particles work with this :0

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oh my god I love you so much for this

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I should really play with particles more often.

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Here’s the file that was in the OP before it was lost in the switch to Discourse

tutorial.rbxl (12.1 KB)

Also, @Sharksie @imnotaguestimagirl @leates Move to Development Discussion > Tutorials?




Does anyone know how to shrink the particle found in the attached file?
Particles.rbxmx (10.9 KB)

I’m trying to shrink it to the size of the grey part in the middle, but whenever I decrease its length it becomes more and more like a circle, and ultimately the one on the right.

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Decrease lifetime and size, adjust the rotation velocity.

also, use a smaller brick, so theres less displacements:
union a cube, then resize it from the properties to 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, ununion the part.
You’re done put back the particles inside the tiny part.


Even with a <0.01,0.01,0.01> cube and decreased size I’m getting huge offset from the particle origin:

Edit: Decreasing the start size fixed the offset problem – I had only adjusted the end size. Is there no way for me to have larger particle sizes without increasing that offset though? To get the amount of offset I need I have to make the size super small.

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You doing something wrong

Texture, should be the same: rbxasset://textures/particles/


The texture is right. I’m trying to get a lifetime of 1 though, which is making it pretty difficult.

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Then modify the speed, this kind of effects must be slow to be nice.

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If I lower the speed any more it turns into a sphere. If I increase the speed the particles become too small.

Take this one:

Particles.rbxmx (3.6 KB)

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My goal is to apply this shape of a particle as a muzzle flare for a weapon which is why I’m trying to make the length of the emitter shorter and enable it to fire in short bursts. For comparison, here’s what the emitter you attached looks like alongside the gun:

Here’s the desired result:


if you want to rezise it, now adjust the particles end size,and the lifetime.
These particles are slow you can make them appear fast without gaps.

Looks neat :slight_smile: but it’s slow :c

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