Advertising Tips

Hello, there! I am DeveloperTurtle and I recently posted a long reply on how to advertise certain games and what type of ads. Please tell me if you have any other suggestions or if I didn’t post this in the right place.

Also can only Regulars post here because I can and I thought I was a member?

Original Topic: What are the best ways to grow a group?:

Note: I recommend going to the original topic and looking at the post because I am sure I’ll be updating it frequently with new types of games and possibly the average CTR and how much you should bid. I am not sure if the quotes will update.


Thanks, this should help a lot!

Post-Approval was removed from Resources, so now all members can post here.


This really isn’t a resource this is literally what all roblox advertisers do to clickbait. Don’t go along with the format, be something differant. Use creativity in your ad. People don’t want to look at the same ads all day, use your imagination and come up with something good.


I do agree that it should be creative, but I left room in my tip section to be creative. This is mainly if your lost on how to advertise your game. :smiley:

I’ll move it, thank you.


My type of group isn’t in this list so oof for me.

What type of group do you run? I’m gathering information so I can edit the post.

I run a Openworld RP group, think After The Flash or The Walking Dead RP

Alright, I’ll look at it and find some similar groups and what they run for ads and the success rate.

Is it called “When The Dust Settles”?

No the, but yes. Its an Openworld Lore RP

I see what you mean. The problem is the amount of Open World RPs is low, I’ll try to find some more information so I can give advertisement tips.


this has some issues…

  1. players who know these tricks are gonna be hard to convince to join whatever it is you want them to.
  2. a lot of new players are going to fall for this and leave after they find out:“DeNiS dId’Nt PlAy ThIs GaMe, I’m
    LeAvInG.” and the game/ group could lose members, so how do you solve this?

there could be more but thats all i found wrong.
find solution to these problems and you’re all set!

I’ll be editing it frequently. I don’t expect players to really read the Devforum or look at the tutorials, but that is possible. Honestly they could find out how most ads are designed just by looking at ads for a bit of time. I did note that you shouldn’t exactly do those YTber ads, but I just put it in there anyways.

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ok, just pointed out some stuff that might cause problems!
respond soon!

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I’m developing a game that doesn’t belong to any of these categories: a round-based game, where the last one alive wins. It would be useful if you can put this category into your list

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isint that like PUBG?
maybe make an ad where it says: “want this ledgendary? come and get it.” and add a pic of the ledgendery

I’ll do some research and will see if I can get some info.

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It’s something like super bomb survival but only one wins. Anyway thanks for the advice!

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ok ur welcom!
till we meet again