After being next to an explosion, what happens in terms of sound, movement and vision (Step by step)


I am currently working on a module that I am planning to release publicly. It will be a module that provides realistic explosions. Nothing gory, but the lighting, particle, vision and sound effects a going to be realistic. But before I can do that, what are the immediate effects that happen after being next to an explosion? As an example, when does the ring in your ear start and when does everything look and seem blurry? How long after the initial explosion?



Battlefield has done a good job with this. Very bright and lots of camera shake. When it comes to the sound, it rings pretty much immediately if you’re too close, and everything else sounds really muffled for quite a while, and then it slowly fades back in. I can speak from personal experience on that lol.


Okay, thanks! I was actually planning on using your camera shake module for the shake because it has a nice effect. I’ll take a look at battlefield’s explosions.

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In terms of a Roblox game, Unit by ROLVe does a fantastic job with explosion effects to a player. It’s actually based off of battlefield!

I’ll check it out, thanks!

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