[AJHS] Advanced Jail and Handcuff System (v1.2.4.2)

About our system:

AJHS is an open source system created by me (@janpieterkes) with the goal of facilitating better Role Play opportunities on Roblox.


  • Easy to install/setup.
  • Easy to customize.
  • Highly configurable charges and punishments.
  • Detailed case history system. (When someone is arrested, the time of arrest, the officer who made the arrest, the charge, the total sentence and the case number are all stored).
  • Integrated Anti-Exploit.
  • Large selection of configurable options (Team only options, turn Anti Exploit off and on etc).
  • And friendly support staff!

To install AJHS just import the Roblox model down below (links section) into your game and follow the instructions on the names of the Models. (It’s really easy and straightforward) You also need to enable API requests in game settings!

If the installation is still too complicated or you need help with something else, please reply to this topic with your issue or question.


  1. The system - Advanced Jail and HandCuff System - Roblox
  2. Showcase - Handcuff and jail system showcase and release! - YouTube
  3. Discord Invite - Green Bean Studio
  4. If you wish to support the development of this system you can Buy Me A Coffee or support us here Green Bean Studio - Roblox (Please only donate when you have enough money for it and if you’re not 18+ just don’t do it at all).

Features coming in future updates
AHJS Premium.
Green Bean Studio system loader.

(If you have any suggestions please let me know!)
DISCLAIMER: Reselling and Redistributing without my permission is not allowed!


Wasn’t sure if this was significant enough.

it is, I would as this is very helpful.

Then the new question is, how do I move a topic?


Update to version 1.2.1

New Features:

  • After many requests a MDT system has been added, it’s a tool which will open the GUI once you equip it. You can enter a player’s username to check their records (it’s linked to the same GUI as the booking system).

  • You can now confiscate a detainee’s tools. Frisk the suspect, click the confiscate button, select the tools you wish to confiscate and click confirm. (You can click a selected tool again to deselect it).

  • New config options have been added (most of which related to the MDT system).

  • The README script also contains a tutorial on how to setup the cuff animation.

  • And some bug fixes. (Thanks to everyone who reported them in my Discord Server!)


To use the new features you need to remove the old system from your game and then add the model to your game again. If you experience any issues please join our communication server and make a ticket.


I forgot to add the configuration option for the confiscation system, but that is now fixed. “TransferToolsToCop” determines whether tools are destroyed or given to the officer upon confiscating.

Awesome script! I want to add a feature where the maximum jailtime is determined by rank, but I believe my code is either causing an error or somehow in Roblox studios the test users do not have any group rank unlike normal players with a rank of zero. My group id is added above into config. Do you know what the error is?

function onPlayerSpawned(player)
if player:GetRankInGroup(groupId) >= 0 then module.maxJailTime = 600

Also, when testing this with a friend you can evade by leaving and the time for all infractions became maxtime.


First of all, there will be an update soon introducing some of these features. If you want to change the maximum jail time depending on someone’s rank in a group you should not change the .maxJailTime value, because this value is server wide (Aka used for everyone). You will have to change some parts of the Jail System and the DataStore system. (I recommend you wait for the update).

Alright. I am sure some of the bugs like evading and all punishments becoming the max time will be fixed in the future. I’ll make sure to keep checking in for updates.

A major bug fix has been published (there was an error in the saving system). Please reinstall your system asap.

My username is Rapid_Gaming22 why does it say Rapid_Gam?

I highly suggest you add a phone where civilians can send emergancy calls and it appears on the MDT because I know I would love this!

The GUI cuts off your name because it is too long, you can change this by setting the TextScaled property of the TextLabel to true. You can find it in: StarterGui/BookingGUI/Main/Info/PlrUser

As for the phone, features like this are not directly related to the Handcuff system. Although I am working on features like these, they will be a separate system that can be connected to the Handcuff system. In short, all backend scripts will be reworked allowing future systems to be connected. Unfortunately, this will take time and will not be released soon.

Ok, thanks for your response!


A new bug fix has been published (fatal error in the MDT GUI was fixed), please reinstall the system. (Or replace the “BookingGUI” in the model with the one in StarterGui).

Is there a godmode feature? In games like Mano County, and Vancouver the games both have godmode on the victim and arresting officer. If there is no godmode feature is there a way you could add it?

I notice there is a warrant for arrest feature but I don’t see anywhere as a police officer to issue a warrant for arrest? How do you get a warrant or create one? Amazing system by the way, you are talented!

Amazing system so far! I love it so much I had to get you some coffee!

Can you please make the system R15 compatible? :hammer_and_wrench:

:bulb:And as an alternative option to the booking/bench system, can the booking block instead be a tool the officer can carry on person and with no bench system? This would be useful for roleplay games where officers just want to just teleport prisoners straight to jail and not go through the actual logistics of transporting them. ALSO PREVENTS CAR GLITCHES/TRANSPORT BUGS AND HASSLE​:bulb:

I noticed that this system was not designed or intended for use in R15, and in your showcase it is using R6. I am running into problems because of this and I cannot use R6 in my game. Cuff target detection is hard if not impossible in R15 and most of the animations and jail sentencing becomes broken when in R15. Also when using R15, the officer using the cuffs becomes really really slow, again I know this system was not designed for R15 but it a conversion would be greatly appreciated.

                                  --R15 BUGS--
  • R15 Breaks the cuff player target detection because it can’t find body parts I think(FIXED IN LATER POST)

  • Detained players don’t have a detained animation playing (need R15d detain animation)(FIXED IN LATER POST)

  • Detained players keep their inventory no matter what if items confiscated or destroyed (I HAD A FREE MODEL TEAM TOOL GIVER SCRIPT CREATING THE PROBLEM)

  • Detainee becomes completely unfrozen/can walk away, jump, or if the game has a sprint script, they can sprint away when after they sit down on the booking bench, R15 in general is unreliable at detaining players and keeping them detained :hammer_and_wrench: (NEEDS FIX) :hammer_and_wrench:

                                 --R6 & R15 BUGS--
  • R6 & R15 Detained player can walk away slowly even with detain animation active (did you intend for detained players to be able to slowly walk away? I thought they’re supposed to frozen still which is fine, should make it an option in configuration to have them freeze or slowly walk) :hammer_and_wrench: (NEEDS FIX) :hammer_and_wrench:

  • R6 & R15 when you frisk players with the ‘take frisked items enabled into officer inventory’ or choose the ‘destroy frisked items’ option, when jailed player’s sentence is up and they are released from jail they get their items back even though the officer now has a duplication of the items from the detained player. (I had a team tool giver free model script causing duplication glitch)

  • R6 & R15 police officers are NOT able to cuff players wearing a lot of hats/vests/clothes, can you write something for the cuffing system to ignore hats/vests/clothes? Some players use this to their advantage to avoid getting cuffed by the hitbox, ignoring all hats/cosmetics and allow arrests on any body part to make hitbox detection better for cuff tool. :hammer_and_wrench: (NEEDS FIX) :hammer_and_wrench:

I hope that helps! Making a video to show the bugs.

video here R15 and R6 bugs I documented earlier!

also here is a R15 detainee animation for free
detaineeanimationsavetorobloxandgetanimationid.rbxm (429 Bytes)

I am making my own temporary fixes right now, I managed to get the cuff tool to better detect R15 type bodies by making change to the cuff script seen here:


here’s the line of code to add detection for R15 bodies more accurately,
replace line 29 to add these body parts for r15

	if Target.Name == "UpperTorso" or Target.Name == "LowerTorso" or Target.Name == "Head" or Target.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" or Target.Name == "RightLowerArm" or Target.Name == "RightUpperArm" or Target.Name == "LeftLowerArm" or Target.Name == "LeftUpperArm"or Target.Name == "LeftUpperLeg"or Target.Name == "RightUpperLeg" and IsPlayer ~= nil then

Although I attempted to mod AJHS to be R15, there are still major problems like, the police officer losing control of their detainee randomly, the police officer walkspeed becoming very very slow to not being able to walk at all while detaining someone and moving, and benched detainees being able to jump and run away and somehow free themselves or even while just detained normally:
exampler15fix.rbxl (146.0 KB)

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