Hello, I’m one of the people who had trouble when the Align Tool was temporarily taken down.
This is a primitive script I pieced together in a few hours to assist me with aligning parts and models. The code works the same way as the tool’s aligning objects to one object’s axis. I had a great time getting used to CFrames with this script, and I thought this might help anyone who relied on the align tool.
To use this, select the moving parts first and the control object last, modify the axis at the beginning of the script, and run the entire code in console.
local Axis = "X"
local Selection = game:GetService("Selection")
local ChangeHistoryService = game:GetService("ChangeHistoryService")
local currentSelections = Selection:Get()
local sTwo = currentSelections[#currentSelections]
local movingSelections = {}
for i=1, #currentSelections do
if i < #currentSelections then print(currentSelections[i].Name)
movingSelections[#movingSelections+1] = currentSelections[i] end
-- Functions
function getModelCFrame(model)
local tempPrimaryPart = Instance.new("Part", workspace)
tempPrimaryPart.CFrame = model:GetBoundingBox()
local modelCFrame = tempPrimaryPart.CFrame
return modelCFrame
function moveModelCFrame(model,CF) -- Creates primary part
local primaryPart = nil; local tempPrimaryPart
if model.PrimaryPart then primaryPart = model.PrimaryPart end
local tempPrimaryPart = Instance.new("Part", workspace)
tempPrimaryPart.CFrame = model:GetBoundingBox()
local modelCFrame = tempPrimaryPart.CFrame
tempPrimaryPart.Parent = model
model.PrimaryPart = tempPrimaryPart
if primaryPart then model.PrimaryPart = primaryPart end
function classifyCFrame(instance)
if instance:IsA("Model") then return getModelCFrame(instance)
elseif instance:IsA("BasePart") then return instance.CFrame end
function classifyMove (instance, CF)
if instance:IsA("Model") then moveModelCFrame(instance,CF)
elseif instance:IsA("BasePart") then instance.CFrame = CF end
-- Actual thing. One: moving object, Two: target object
local sTwoCFrame = classifyCFrame(sTwo)
for i, sOne in pairs(movingSelections) do
local sOneCFrame = classifyCFrame(sOne)
local x, y, z, m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33 = sOneCFrame:components()
if Axis == "Y" then y = sTwoCFrame[Axis]
elseif Axis == "X" then x = sTwoCFrame[Axis]
elseif Axis == "Z" then z = sTwoCFrame[Axis] end
local newCFrame = CFrame.new(x, y, z, m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33)
local logMessage = "[Align] "..sOne.Name.." moved to "..sTwo.Name.." Axis "..Axis
ChangeHistoryService:SetWaypoint("Align Objects")