"All Creators" Filtering during Model Search doesn't clear specific user search

Detailed Description of bug

When visiting the Library page, if a user tries to switch from sorting by a username to “All Creators,” the “All Creators” link is still passing in the CreatorName param for the previous username, which means the user cannot effectively use the UI to switch back to an unfiltered search

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Navigate to https://www.roblox.com/develop/library
  2. Under Creators, type in a username in the Name search bar and click Go
    • You should now see all models filtered by that creator
  3. Under Creators, select All Creators
    • The current behavior will still keep the CreatorName param the same as clicking on the username that you searched by, so there is no change in the page.


I can attach a screenshot of me hovering over the All Creators button if necessary, but I think it’s fine to just say that when I hove over it, I’m seeing a URL like this

System Specs

macoS High Sierra, Google Chrome v83


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.