Allow bulk importing assets without publishing a game

It is impossible to bulk import assets without publishing the game first. I am developing a plugin and I needed to import a whole bunch of icons for a pluginmenu, but I had to publish the place (which makes no sense because it is not a game!!) to be able to import 24 icons. This is unnecessary friction in my way for no good reason.

Please decouple the bulk importer from the asset manager, or remove its dependence on a published game; currently in an unpublished game the entire asset manager is blocked off.

In a published game the destination of the assets should be the game, but in an unpublished game they should just be uploaded as they’d normally be, with no game connection whatsoever. I can just use the toolbox to view them, or the plugin can save a list of uploaded asset ids to the place file to track locally.


Related thread:


Still a problem. Still have to publish a baseplate to a dummy game to be able to bulk import anything. Roblox Studio needs to focus more on UX. Reallocate some resources please. This always-in-the-cloud bull is hurting us and wasting our time.
