This is a pair of pants (yes, pants) that anyone can wear into any R15 game. This is a bundle, which again, you can wear into any R15 game (it doesn’t even need to support anthro). Imagine playing a shooter game and this is the range of players you’re shooting at
The only easy options developers are given to deal with game-breaking UGC items are forcing your own custom avatar onto players or simply opting for R6, which still doesn’t account for oversized hats, which has been discussed and ignored in the past.
It’s currently unfeasable to detect if UGC items are harmful to one’s game, as there are more problems than just too-big or too-small bundles, and manually blocking UGC is a nightmare of loading in asset information, comparing asset IDs, and replacing body parts or deleting hats accordingly. This leads to developers taking the easy ways out which actually discourages character customization and usage of R15 in ROBLOX games.
Giving developers the ability to block UGC in its entirety from their games is actually the least nuclear option from the alternatives we’re given. ROBLOX uploaded hats still maintain a standard to not be harmful to the gameplay experience and a significant portion of the playerbase still use mostly ROBLOX items.
This would be a great feature because i’ve seen many weird UGC in games.
For now, I reccommend checking when the Player joins, then when their character is added, loop through all accessories and check if the mesh ID under the Special Mesh (inside the handle of the accessory) was uploaded by Roblox, using Marketplace Service.
This doesn’t seem like a great approach to this, another way to solve this is more automatic proactive validation on UGC items to make sure that they are not obstructive. You provided two examples of policy breaking content, however the items not being removed are an issue with moderation and not with UGC items. I suggest that there are more tight restrictions (which are already pretty tight, if you look at the static UGC head crackdowns) with forced max and min size requirements, and maybe more proactive moderation on items made before they were put into place
Yeah, this is just never going to happen. Roblox is a UGC platform and practically all modern avatar items are User-Generated Content now; I’d even consider the term “UGC” (in reference to 3D avatar items) obsolete at this point. The “UGC Catalog” program has been sunset since anyone can publish their own 3D avatar items now, and user-created items have superseded Roblox-created items for years.
Also it’s just really annoying when you join a game that doesn’t support layered clothing or something and you’re just suddenly stripped naked, imagine that but 10 times worse. People want to be able to use their personal avatars that they spent Robux on, you shouldn’t have to cripple everyone because of a couple people that want to gain an unfair advantage. At that point just force a custom character system.
The main issue here seems to be that there are no easy ways of constraining avatars for specific gameplay situations. Roblox should instead look into optional ways of preventing avatars and accessories from becoming too big or too small without completely messing up the character’s scales, and allowing for fixed hitboxes that don’t depend on the size of the MeshParts that make up the character.