As a Roblox developer, recording and saving voice chat clips is currently impossible. Our game, Clip It, allows users to record and edit 3D clips and publish them to a TikTok-style for-you feed. We want to allow players to record their own voice and upload it as part of the clip that is published to our feed.
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve our experience because players would have more options for creation and expression in our game. This feature would be another avenue for Roblox to allow players to create and upload assets from inside games.
This would really help us out as a large percentage of short-form video content on TikTok, Youtube shorts, and Instagram is currently voice narrated. This would also make it easier for friends to make clips together with voice acting. We want to use this + facial animation tracking to truly bring our actors to life!
It would also create a lot of loopholes for audio bypasses and copyright infringement. And from the way it’s being described, it can be very spammable. If Roblox could somehow fix the above 2 issues (and I’m sure a lot more) this would be a really cool feature to add