Allow humanoid animations to work in ViewportFrames

I’ve been wanting to animate characters in ViewportFrames and doing that is rather hacky. It’d be useful if we could just directly play animations in ViewportFrames, just like in Workspace.

I understand that internally animations rely on physics to work. As such, I have no idea if this would be possible since VPFs don’t support physics. I still want to know if there a way this can become a thing?


Animating characters in ViewportFrames isn’t possible traditionally due to the fact that ViewportFrames do not handle physics, not because you can’t animate characters in them. Welds, Motor6Ds, the Velocity property, BodyMovers, etc. have no functionality in ViewportFrames.


Aww man, didn’t realize animations needed physics to work.

Wellp, this thread is useless now.


I mean you can convert the feature request to requesting physics work in ViewportFrames if there’s not already a request for it

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I decided it’d just be better to ask for animations to work in VPFs specifically. Niche, yes, but I feel like asking for physics in VPFs is a tall order and is far less likely to happen.

Plus I couldn’t think of any good use cases for physics inside VPFs besides this.


Maybe this will be a thing when WorldModels release, but who knows if that will ever happen.

Would be useful to have, though.