Allow members to access lounge

Sure, these platforms exist, but nothing genuine to connect developers, not every developer is going to be inside of, or access a server within these major platforms, it would help tremendously if devforum had a communications server sure (which would unfortunately likely be on guilded), but it would also benefit from re-opening lounge, as stated above it’s been inactive due to the lack of regular.s

deliberately tried to get their devforum account banned.

I don’t think I’ve heard of any cases of this happening, and in the context of quitting the DevForum, I know a lot of people have quit simply because there is no need to use the DevForum for frequent discussions when there are better platforms and alternatives for communication.

Additionally, aside from Discord and Guilded being bad and worse, lots of people don’t have Discord, let alone Guilded. We’re already on Roblox, why should we need to go offsite to communicate?

I understand that a lot of people do not have Discord or Guilded, however if you are wanting a solid platform to communicate and network with developers on, those two are your best bet, another alternative I may suggest would be using DevForum messages and messaging the people you’d like to get in touch with. And on the context of “we’re already on Roblox”, Guilded is continuously being more & more integrated with Roblox, including all the official channels you can use for Roblox related matters on the platform, and I believe you can sign up with your Roblox account as well, there really isn’t any difference using Guilded for communication than Roblox itself. I personally do not use Guilded for un-official matters but again, if you do not have Discord, Guilded is the second best option for such things.

I also would like to open up the matter of, in your opinion, what would you even use Lounge for that couldn’t already be done in Development Discussion or a Discord/Guilded server (also important to keep in mind that it is a forum, it isn’t your general chatting area in that sense.)

nothing genuine to connect developers is a great resource to connect with developers if you need to; or use LinkedIn or Twitter or reach out personally on DevForum/Roblox messages.

I’m also unsure what you mean by genuine, there is already numerous Guilded servers for communication (Roblox Creators Guilded) which are official Roblox servers and on Discord you have your fair share of unofficial servers which have a strong presence of developers in them (i.e DevForum Community Server, HiddenDevs, etc) and countless servers purely for networking.

When was the last time people got promoted to regular?

Regular has no effect anymore, we have group-based access to everything now. The lounge access group is currently hidden from view because we haven’t fully decided yet how to handle lounge.


The last time we discussed about Lounge, we found that the traffic in this category is extremely minimal and most topics there actually would fit fine in #development-discussion.

If you want to discuss non-development topics please take it outside of the forum, e.g. Guilded or Discord or social media as suggested above by a few other folks. Content on the forum should cover development topics.

My current interpretation of the situation is that Lounge category will be further deprioritized / eventually deprecated over the next couple years.


hooksmith in with the clutch response yet again :fire:

more on topic, thanks for clarifying all that, i’ll mark your reply as the solution on this post.

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I can’t name many names because mods will get angry at me for inciting harassment or something dumb like that, but there’s been many occasions of people (often empty or near empty accounts with no visible development history of any sort) unexplainably getting regular within a week of them joining, and proceeding to post outright spam/general clutter type posts.

The only source for this claim that I can realistically post would be this Make it harder to join the forum - #20 by VSCPlays - By far the perfect example of this though imo.

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. A complete lack of moderation doesn’t mean that DD is now lounge, at least until the rules are rewritten to accurately reflect what is being enforced (read: nothing)

Devil’s advocate: that example is totally development related. It’s about an asset in the creator store. It may or may not pass the bar for “should encourage discussion” rule but at that point you’re in opinion territory.

I think, like on the other topic where I responded to you recently, the gap is not that the topics aren’t development-related, but that you don’t have good enough discovery tools to find the content you want. We should address that rather than policing the content in the category by some opinionated degree of content quality.


Reading this thread after years again (where have you gone incapaz :sob:) and I just wanted to add my own opinions on this statement.

Several forum members are unable to access Discord due to several reasons, which can range from country bans or to parents not wanting people to use Discord (which is totally acceptable).

As a new Discord user myself, I don’t have the highest trust in the platform and how it is moderated. I run a Matrix space with about 50 people and a lot of them would rather interact with us on Matrix than Discord because you can self-host it and you don’t have to deal with Discord’s sketchy behaviour (which includes apparently warning people in servers for certain reasons when they never took part in them).


Does that mean that maximum daily like counts have been leveled across Member and Regular?

Yes, everything is the same.

Reports as well? Doesn’t regular members have more powerful reports?

That hasn’t ever been a thing on this forum AFAIK. We have a plugin that changes default Discourse flagging behavior.

As before there is literally not a single difference between the trust levels anymore outside of the label displayed on your profile, to the best of my knowledge.


on my way to flex the regular rank even though it does nothing different :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

(glad to hear everything is balanced between the two trust levels tho)

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