Allow members to create feature requests/bug report topics of all types

People with the permission to create bug reports literally almost never read their messages as they’re usually top developers who only use the devforum when they see a bug or want to request a feature.

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If there are so many troll topics and what not like you guys are saying why don’t you link me various examples? I’ve been quite active on the forum and I have seen none, I don’t count topics/posts that are years old by the way, give me recent ones.

I have listed another method, and usually for me, it does seem to work?

I would if all of them weren’t already deleted. Just wait a couple of days and somewhat at this time they will appear.

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Maybe you’re just lucky, because it’s been months and my bug report that i requested hasn’t been accepted and I’ve messaged people who have access to file bug reports yet they ignore me. But there’s no point arguing, you’re just gonna say “Troll topics are abundant” and I’m just gonna say “No there aren’t”… So why don’t we just leave it there.

So they’ve already been taken down by moderators yet moderators are bad, and before you say “Oh just because they deleted it doesn’t mean moderators are good” the fact that you can’t find any troll topics because they’ve already been deleted says alot about moderation. But whatever, no arguing. No arguing. No arguing.

Not within the rules btw, I may have accidentally spread some misinformation in the past because I interpreted the rules in the wrong way.

Then why do some bug reports have a tag, A private message is associated with this xy.?

Or am I interpreting it wrongly?

Bug reports have that in some cases because developers need to send confidential information that they don’t want public

Here’s a few examples of low quality, rule breaking, or even straight up troll posts getting approved by moderation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Heck, a few of these are still up to this day. Hopefully this clears things up for you!


Ok then, how about a recent post for example?


This post was up for AT LEAST 12 hours, despite being hidden for most of them. You telling me that in those 12 hours, no moderators thought it was against any sort of rules.
And no, “b-but the mods could have been asleep” doesn’t count here - Assuming the post was taken down the moment this image was taken (I’m certain it wasn’t, and was still up for longer, but I have no source on that) there would have easily been at least one mod online, unless everyone clocked out early and was late the next day magically for no reason.

Also can’t forget the time that one dude spammed the devforum with gore + assorted NSFW imagery, only for a mod to give them one warning - a feedback of all things - on NSFW content, only to leave for another few hours before finally banning them. That’s lost to time though so again just take my word with a grain of salt.


How long is it suppose to take to get accepted

I’m pretty sure mods don’t work on sundays like none of them.

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But the mods were asleep. Also, as soon as you said this I just got flagged again. You better stop cursing me bro,

  1. Showing the truth, the Developer Forum community is not THAT usually “very well behaved” as you mention. There are times when there are many troll replies and accounts that suddenly appear and create topics with inappropriate content that are forbidden within the official rules of the Developer Forum and Roblox Community Standards. Here is a sample of these types of behaviors:

Furthermore, @CraX_573 also provides other types of approved topics that are still within the Developer Forum.

This will significantly increase the value of flagging multiple replies and topics, requiring more forum moderators to administrate.

  1. Not every Roblox employee is THAT active and does not have accounts within the Developer Forum. Also, if this concept of forum users that have the trust level “Member” can create FRs (“Feature Requests”) and BRs (“Bug Reports”), there will be duplicated topics, things that it would be frustrating for Roblox employees to keep on track whether they responded to a user stating "Hey, this is a duplicate post and we already have one here (mentions with a URL link) and the same hole that I mentioned above.
  1. Responding to both, yes, a Roblox staff had mentioned that they were working on a new system on how this ranking system would work, but two things are important to be mentioned regarding this: This was addressed due to “forummers” needing to create BRs and FRs, but they couldn’t due to having “Member”. Despite being old information, this never went to practice. Instead, they provided an alternative solution which is somewhat good by creating forum groups called @AllowBugReports and @AllowFeatureRequests. That way, we no longer need to synthesize the vibe where “Regular” is better than “Member”.

You can also analyze this down below, where Hooksmith explains and you are free to enter within the discussion if you would like!


so I see you haven’t seen the memeland archive

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he actually said this, did you read that part?

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Okay you got me that one I said on purpose because I thought it was funny.

This is a duplicate of All forum users should have a path forward to be able to post in feature requests - #154 by Hooksmith

Please leave your feedback regarding feature request access on the thread above.

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