Using FilterStringForBroadcast will replace all numbers with hashtags 100% of the time.
Is it possible NOT to do that?
Id like to write names on my servers like:
Testing v107
but can’t, since it becomes:
Testing ####
Using FilterStringForBroadcast will replace all numbers with hashtags 100% of the time.
Is it possible NOT to do that?
Id like to write names on my servers like:
Testing v107
but can’t, since it becomes:
Testing ####
This is intended - <13 users are not allowed to see any numbers, and the filterforbroadcast filter assumes the user has the most strict requirements.
Yes, but numbers aren’t inherently bad.
If they are then we might aswell start banning letters aswell.
This isn’t the place to be arguing about what ROBLOX does and does not filter. That has already been argued over and over and the conclusion is clear that Roblox will not be reviewing their blanket filter.
It’s because users could say phone numbers. However, if developers are the only ones setting those things, it doesn’t need to be filtered.
Any displayed text that a developer does not have explicit control over should be filtered. In general, this mainly refers to text that players have control over but there are a few other cases that are important to consider to make sure games are compliant with the Roblox filtering rules.
Text Filtering: When to Filter Text
Aha I get it.