Players should be able to receive feed updates from their favorite games when they are updated.
Here is an example:
The new games thumbnail update coming out soon(tm?) points to an extreme anti-putting game updates in our title.
Well, ROBLOX, the reason we have to do this is to communicate to our players. We have no way of telling players who favorited our game that it was updated, unless we make a thumbnail specifically for the update, or put it in the title.
This just screams that we need some way to tell players when our games have updates.
I am convinced that ROBLOX can pull off a system similar to youtube, in which players (subscribe to a game) really we already have this, the favorite button. We could even use the like button. If a player likes or favorites a game, when the game is updated, it will show up in the players feed as shown in the picture. We can discuss what the max updates / day that should be allowed for any one game. I posted this to twitter and this was a big concern - developers spamming player’s feeds.
The developer will get to write out a short summary to the player about what the update contains. This message will be seen as in the picture. I provided a sample update summary.
“Why don’t you just use groups?”
I argue that groups do not efficiently get all the players who are interested in the game, the news that it was updated. Because: A much smaller portion of players can actually join a group (due to the group join limit, or due to not knowing about it). ROBLOX should not be limiting the amount of players that can know about updates from their developer.
If this update were to be implemented, it would allow developers to communicate to players in a more formal way than a group status update, or a tweet.
A subscriber system based on favorites, likes, or either one seems to be the best way to allow developers to communicate to their players at large, that the game has an update.