Allow Purchase of All Premium Tiers

As a mobile Roblox user, it is currently impossible to purchase Premium tiers above 450.

Mobile users should be able to purchase Premium tiers above 450. I see no reason to restrict mobile users- they aren’t any more immature as you need to be an adult/ask an adult to buy Premium anyways. Other than that one invalid point, I find no rhyme or reason to do so. At one time, it was confirmed it was intentional:

But only temporarily. However, if you looked at the acknowledgement date you’d notice that this had been confirmed over a year ago- in September of 2019. This leaves three possible scenarios:

A. This is unintentional and is actually a bug. I highly doubt this is the case.

B. They are still unsure about this new premium page. I also highly doubt this is the case because as stated before it has been well over a year since the page had been implemented.

C. This is intentional. I bet this is the reason- but why? If a Roblox staff member comes across this topic, I’d love to know why this is the case.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve everyone’s experience because:

-Mobile users would be informed (if not already) of the existence of multiple tiers. Users are happy that they can purchase higher tiers and Roblox, in fact, profits.
-Mobile users would not have to visit the Roblox website just to purchase a higher tier of Premium.

Images of the current system

Mobile users on Roblox constitute nearly half of all users on this platform. Where are their options?

Thank you.


Can this please be looked into? Annual Premium just dropped and yet 450 is STILL the only tier available when I check the mobile app.