This would be really handy as sometimes when debugging a friends game if he’s away I can’t look at the server console. Client console doesn’t always say everything, sometimes it’s the server
I just think this would be a REALLY handy thing to have
In fairness, it’s possible to code your own console. So, although I think this should be a default feature and totally agree, I think it’s not urgent, somebody should really consider putting one together.
This would be extremely helpful, since I use alt/ joint accounts to work on projects and sometimes when things break I need to sign out, sign in as the host account, just to catch the bug/ error.
Makes fort for SONICTHEHEDGEHOGXX Fort experiences some bugs SONICTHEHEDGEHOGXX never gets on ROBLOX At a loss to figure out what the bugs are since I can’t view the server logs
Last time I tried to add in a debug console, he thought I was trying to admin myself, shut down the place, blah blah blah (because it had the command line). An official feature to give me access to the established server log would be nice.
Last time I tried to add in a debug console, he thought I was trying to admin myself, shut down the place, blah blah blah (because it had the command line). An official feature to give me access to the established server log would be nice.[/quote]
Tell him command lines won’t work any more and that oxcool1’s one is beast. I’m fairly sure you can read the console of every player from it. Can’t be sure though.
Official would be nice, but I’m just suggesting a community one that does work.