As a Roblox developer, it is difficult to make string.split work for string patterns. The only solution right now is to make a wrapper that does this for you but this behaviour should be built in.
My use case for this would be parsing user input messages, like for admin commands. I split the command and arguments for that command via whitespace, with string.split(message, " "). But the issue is that a player could input an arbitrary amount of spaces, thus messing up the result.
If this issue is addressed, it would improve my development experience because I wouldn’t have to worry about small things like that.
apparently they don’t want us specifying a solution but i had an idea nonetheless
This probably was’t added because it would be seldom used.
This seems reasonably niche, but it does seem like a neat addition.
If you need this, it doesn’t seem too hard to implement.
local function split(str,by,starting,plain)
starting = starting or 1
if starting < 0 then
starting = #str+starting+1
if by == "" then
local tbl = table.create(#str-starting+1,nil)
for i=starting,#str do
tbl[i] = string.sub(str,i,i)
return tbl
local tbl = {nil,nil,nil,nil}
local matchStart,matchEnd = string.find(str,by,starting,plain)
local lstr = #str+2
while matchStart and starting < lstr do
starting = math.max(matchStart,matchEnd)+1
matchStart,matchEnd = string.find(str,by,starting,plain)
return tbl
This definitely should be added, it would save developers a lot of time and has plenty of use cases. Please consider doing this sometime as it is a small feature that would go a long way.