As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to display the builtin Emotes menu without the dropdown button on the top right side of the screen visible. The game of which I am currently working on has a modified topbar with the addition of an emote button on the left, but calling GuiService:SetEmotesMenuOpen(true) has no effect if the topbar or Emotes menu has been disabled using StarterGui:SetCore() or StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled() respectively. An image of the topbar is attached below, along with the intrusive dropdown button.
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve both my development experience and the user experience by removing a distracting overlay which, when clicked, offers the same functionality of a feature already provided by our topbar.
With chat for example, it’s still possible to display its menu (by calling :setVisible(bool) on ChatMain), even when its icon is disabled. Albeit using unreliable core scripts, this has enabled me to create a custom chat icon that suites my games needs and aesthetics, while retaining the default Roblox chat:
Similarily many developers wish to do the same for menus such as emotes and leaderboard, however this is impossible due to the restrictive nature of the existing API after the default icons have been disabled.
As a result, developers are forced to create their own menus, which is inefficient and time consuming, or accept the default icons at the cost of inconsistent aesthetics and undesirable behaviours.
Please provide a more comprehensive API so developers can have the best of both worlds; supported core Roblox menus and customisable tailored icons which can toggle these menus.